13. He Said, She Said, Well Mostly Him

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"I thought you said this would be a party?"

The environment was fairly calm for a 'party'. All of the guys were here along with a few others but not nearly the amount of people I had been expecting.

"What? Is this not crazy enough for you? Not every party has to be Project X," Minhee states with a tone of sarcasm.

We sat down on one (there were many) of the couches in the large living room. Music in the background as people chatted amongst themselves.

"I know that, it's just I thought you meant more... rambunctious festivities."

He leans further back into the seat cushions. Giving me a side eye look.

"This is what a party means to us," he raises his hands to gesture all around us, "a little talking, a little dancing, and a little drinking.

"Which reminds me," Minhee stands up suddenly, "you want anything to drink?"

His head was twisted to look over at me.

Does that mean alcohol?

"No, I'm good."

Better to be safe than sorry.

He shrugged before leaving the room to what I presumed to be the kitchen.

I sat there for a few minutes observing the room by myself. Eunsang and Junho sat next to me, chatting animatedly in their quiet little corner of the couch.  Sometimes they laughed and pointed at Hangyul and Dohyon who were having a dance battle of sorts.

I think Dohyon was winning.

Dongpyo quickly joined in gaining attention from Seungwoo on the other side of the room.

The latter's shouts of encouragement echoing off the tall walls.

He was standing near Yohan and Wooseok playing a beer pong type game.

Hyeongjun had been sitting on one of the other couches but excitedly headed my direction once he saw me.

"Jiah, you're here!" He said enthusiastically with a large grin.

I wasn't sure if he was genuinely excited to see me or if he was just glad to have some one to talk to.

"Hi!" I muster up as much enthusiasm as I possibly can.

Hyeongjun sits down next to me, facing my direction.

"So, are you enjoying the party?" he asks.

Oh, you mean the party I just arrived to five minutes ago, spent the entire time sitting on a couch by myself while the person I arrived with ditched me for drinks?

That party?

"I am now," I say giving the boy a smile.

He seemed pleased with my answer, his eyes twinkling with delight.

My eyes darted to the cup in his hand. A dark liquid sloshing around within the object. He's quick to notice where my gaze was.

"Want a sip?" he inquires. Holding out the cup for me to take.

"What's in it?"

"Just soda," he looks down sheepishly while scuffing the toe of his shoe on the tiled floor, "and maybe a little vodka."

I raise my eyebrows.

So they're giving out hard liquor?

And judging by the grandeur of the household the alcohol must be the best of the best.

Hyeongjun's large puppy dog brown eyes stared into mine.

"Do you still want some?" he asks, cautiously as if he's waiting to be scolded.

I hesitate a moment before nodding my head.

I tentatively take the cup out of his hands and have a sip. It tasted fine.

What was that saying?

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Clearing my throat I hand it back to him.

"What's the deal between you and Minhee?"

The question confused me. I asked him what he meant.

"Well, you showed up here with him, didn't you? Aren't you... together?"

"No," I answer, "I mean yes, we did come to the party together but that's because he's staying at my house."

"I thought he told you guys that," I add.

The boy's head tilts. "He did."

A minute goes by of us just sitting there.

"You know he talks about you a lot," Hyeongjun says. My eyes dart to him. "Minhee, I mean."

I scoff lightly. "About how annoying and embarrassing I am, surely."

Minhee would be one to complain about me to his friends just so they could tell me and upset me.

Well I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.

I didn't care what he said about me.

"No, he's never said anything bad about you."

"He's right. Minhee always mentions you whenever he can," Eunsang confirms Hyeongjun's comment.

"He's crazy about you," Dongpyo adds, ecstatic about joining in on 'expose Minhee' time. "He said that you were one of the most attractive girls he's ever seen and that he'd hook up with you easily if given the chance."

Dongpyo had this mischievous grin on his face.

You could just tell he was enjoying this, same as Eunsang and Junho who were just observing the can of worms being opened in their comfy cushioned seats.

I was having a hard time processing this.

"He really said that?" the words leave my mouth softly. My eyes moving around the room.

"Okay, I think that's enough," Hangyul said, stopping the other's from saying anything more about the subject.

It all must be a joke.

Yeah, that's it. They're just playing with me.

Trying to embarrass Minhee by making up things.

Suddenly, the confusion I had a few seconds ago dissipated.

"I know you said that you didn't want anything but I got you one anyway. Just shut up and drink it." Minhee walked to me, handing me a cup.

He doesn't even notice the other's looking over at us subtly.

"Alright," I take the cup from him and start drinking.

Minhee gives me a questioning look. He hides it with a small chuckle.

Alcohol didn't seem so bad now.

Especially since I found myself kind of wishing that what the others said was true.

𝖷1 𝖨𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗍 𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌Where stories live. Discover now