24. Miss Me, Miss Me

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I slowed down as I neared Minhee's room. He stood there in the doorway. Hands in his pockets.

We left school early and so far we haven't gotten in trouble for that. Fingers crossed. The two of us kept our distance. Everything still felt uneasy between us. I think we needed time to ourselves.

But now here he was talking to me. In what feels like the first time in ages.

His facial expression was soft. It lured me in.

"Hi," I say to him as I approach the doorway.

He removes his hands from his pockets. "I just wanted to thank you for today."

"It was nothing," I reply quickly.

"No, it was something," his eyes shone with gratitude. "It was something to me. You didn't have to stick up for me—"

"It wasn't that—"

"But you did. And after how I acted on Saturday. I'm sorry, you were right. It's none of my business who you decide to date or not."

It was a lot to take in. A thank you and an apology all in one.

"Seungyoun and I aren't dating." I felt the need to clarify. Especially after everything.

"Well, that's why I said 'or not'." I watch as the realization hits him. "Wait, really? I though you two..."

I shook my head. "Nope. We're just friends, and I think we're going to stay that way." My back pressed against the other side of the doorframe.

Minhee's face lit up even though he tried to conceal it.

"Uh... that's— I mean..." he struggled with his words.

Even though I knew of his feelings for me there was a certain reluctance inside me preventing me from confronting him about it.

He was close enough to reach. If I could just hold his hand maybe that would be enough to explain how I feel or if wrapped my arms around his torso. But would that be too forward?

That's very unlike me. Would he get uncomfortable if I did something like that?

What if this changes everything? What if I start acting awkward now that I know I like him and then he gets weirded out and decides he doesn't want to be with me anymore?

But then again this is Minhee I'm thinking about. He's sweet and considerate, he would never purposefully hurt me.

"What are you thinking about?" Minhee's voice takes me out of my spiraling thoughts.

"Oh, just— about the thing at lunch, I wanted to do that. It just makes me angry that people would give you crap like that. You, mr.nice-to-everyone." I turn to look away as I kept rambling. It's like I couldn't stop. "I meant what I said, you're such a good person. And you didn't deserve to be treated that way. And you don't even fight back! I admire that about you. You—"

My head is turned to face him. For a brief second I could see Minhee looking down at me, his body so close and my face in his hands. The next second his lips were on my own.

To say I was taken by surprise would be the understatement of the century.

My hand clutched onto his side, gripping the fabric of his T-shirt.

Once my senses came back to me, I pulled away.

"Are you kidding me?"

Those were the words that left my mouth, following perhaps the most romantic moment of my life.

It was supposed to be in my head. I mean all that worrying about what I should do and Minhee kisses me out of nowhere.

But as my eyes stare into his lively and confused ones, I realized my mistake.

"What? Did I do something wrong?"

"No. No. Not at all," I shook my head. "It's just," I was staring up at his gorgeous head of blonde and brunette roots. My hand goes to run through it and he instantly relaxes. "I think," might as well go all out, "I think I might be in love with you."

Minhee scoffs out a laugh. His hands go to my waist. "I never thought I'd hear you say that."

A smile, a true, genuine smile, goes across my face. "Honestly me neither." We both gleefully laugh. My arms wrapped around his neck. His hands rubbed my sides giving me this tingling sensation inside. I never wanted him to stop.

"This is kind of weird, right?" I breath out.

"Yeah, But in a good way. Don't you think?"

"The best."

His nose brushes against mine.

"Can I kiss you again?" He asks. What a gentleman.

"Yes." I say immediately and he chuckles.

His lips go back on mine. This time the movements are much more fluid. My hand caressing his neck.

Eventually we end up just holding each other. His arms wrapped around me tightly. My head pressed against his chest. I could hear his heart beating.

"I missed you today. And yesterday," Minhee admits, mouth right up against my head.

"I missed you, too," I reply truthfully.

Everything felt like a dream. How could Minhee and I be like this? How— What?

I didn't know.

I don't know anything.

I sigh before telling Minhee my most commanding thought:

"We're going to have a lot of explaining to do."

Seoyeon is going to freak.

𝖷1 𝖨𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗍 𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌Where stories live. Discover now