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There's nothing quite as foreboding as the distant thunder of an approaching storm, disturbing the stillness of the night. The howling wind whipping itself against the glass of the window. Which went unnoticed by the occupants of the enclosed room. Heavy breathing joined into this symphony of growing nighttime commotion.

Within the walls of the large household, a majority of the inhabitants were minding their own business, unbeknownst to them that the young man had a guest in his room. Which benefited the couple in the small space.

His hands caressing her body as their lips moved rhythmically against the other's. The bed groans as the two bodies shift in place. Clothing was pulled and yanked in every direction, sending both of the teens into a hormonal frenzy.

Just as it seemed to be heating up the most, a buzzing sound came from across the room. A second later a mellow pop dance song began to play.

The girl hummed against the boy's lips. Slowly she pulled back. His hands entangled in her hair kept her from moving farther away.

"Pete," she mumbled.

Ignoring her, the boy begins kissing down her jaw. She sets her hand on his shoulders, pushing him away slightly. All while the phone is still ringing.

"Peter," she says more assertive. His lips moves along her neck. Hands pulling at her pants. "It's my sister."

"Ignore it," Peter tells the girl. Pressing his body down further onto hers. "Peter, seriously," slight annoyance laced in her tone, "I don't want to either, but it could be important." The boy scans her face taking in every feature. His eyes scrunch close and he lets out a groan. "Fine." He moves off to the side.

Glad that there was no argument to be made, knowing her boyfriend's stubbornness, the girl slid off the bed and went to grab her phone. She answered at the last second. "What do you want?" She questions, half heartedly.

"A lovely greeting as always," a condescending tone came through the phone, "Dad wants you home. It's a school night." The girl groaned.

"Why don't you just tell him I'm staying at Kat's house?" She asked, pleading for her sister's cooperation.

"Great! I'll tell him your leaving right way."

The girl scoffed. Her sister was using that obnoxious 'polite' voice that she utilizes in situations in which she's annoyed about having to do something she's force to do.

"He's right there isn't he?" She glances out the window taking in the weather. It was now raining. Escalating quickly.

"Definitely. See you soon, Jackie! Bye!" And then her sister hung up.

Jackie groaned. This always happened. She tries to get some alone time with Peter and someone has to ruin it. And it wasn't that uncommon for her sister to be involved in the disruption one way or another.

Apologetically she approaches her boyfriend. Peter reaches out to hold her arm and pull her onto the bed. "I have to go." Peter rolls his eyes. He was well aware of Jackie's sister's distaste of him. Always getting in the way. Honestly he wondered how the two were related, much less twins.

"What did Smellie want now?" His aggravated expression didn't match his childish nickname for the girl.

"Actually, it's my dad. He wants me home." Jackie shrugs her shoulders. "School night." She adds.

Peter shakes his head. "No. No." He takes her phone from her hand and tosses it off to the side. "Ignore her. She's probably over exaggerating the situation." He leans down to kiss her and continue what they started.

𝖷1 𝖨𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗍 𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌Where stories live. Discover now