14. Mix It Up

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I spent the next hour or so dancing, more like jumping up and down, with some of the guys.

More specifically Hyeongjun, Eunsang, Minhee, and Junho. The others dispersed in separate groups with different party attendees.

Whatever Minhee gave me in that cup was coursing through my veins. I felt myself loosen with each sip.

Unfortunately the cup was now empty.

"I'm going to get a refill," I shout to the boys.

Minhee was the only one to acknowledge my comment. He gave me a nod of comprehension and a dazed smile.

His hand goes to squeeze mine before he moved away towards the other guys.

I take my leave, going to what I thought was the kitchen.

It was.

One of those large ones with an island in the middle. Which now was turned into a temporary bar. Bottles of various types of liquor lined the outskirts of the marble countertops.

Behind the 'counter' was Seungyoun.

He was laughing at something the guy in front of him said while preparing his drink. Seungyoun slid the drink down with ease.

"What's the host of the party doing here serving drinks by himself?" I ask, slowly approaching the counter.

Seungyoun looks up giving me a grin.

"You showed up!" He says gleefully, rearranging some bottles. "We weren't sure if Minhee would get you here or not."

"Yeah, I had to take a break from my really  busy schedule to be here," I say sarcastically. He chuckles in response.

"To answer your question, I like being here because I can control the level of the impending destruction of my house."

"Ah," I say nodding in understanding. It's a good idea, ensuring no one drinks too much.

My head felt light and I can feel myself fade away.

I clutch onto the edge of the counter.

"Woah," Seungyoun says with a bit of concern, "Are you okay?"

He reaches out to touch my elbow.

I take a few breaths before looking up at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Whatever Minhee gave me was a little strong."

"That makes sense. Usually I make the drinks for the younger kids with less alcohol." He opens the fridge to grab something. "A quarter shot, no more than that. But Minhee came in here insisting on making his own drinks. Here."

He passed me a water bottle.

"Thanks." I open the bottle and take a sip.

Suddenly, Dohyon came running in screaming with Hangyul chasing him. They run out as quickly as they ran in.

"How much did you give Dohyon?"

Seungyoun smiles knowingly.

I tilt my head and give him a inquiring look.

He gestures for me to get closer. I lean in to hear what he has to say.

"Between you and me, none at all. But he doesn't know that."

We both chuckle to ourselves.


"Yeah. It's the same with Hyeongjun, Dongpyo, and Eunsang. Those of us who are older agreed that would be best." Seungyoun leaned back on the opposite side of the island.

That would explain why Hyeongjun's drink tasted normal.

We stood there a moment. Seungyoun staring at one of the bottles thinking. I debated on whether I should leave.

"So your father owns a recording studio?" I ask.

He glances back over to me, considering what I asked for a second before nodding his head.

"Minhee told you?"

"Yep. It's sounds pretty cool. You know, making your own songs."

Seungyoun smiles. "I guess it's pretty cool," he plays it off.

These guys are so talented yet they act like it's no big deal.

"I wouldn't know where to even begin." I honestly say.

"I could show you," Seungyoun says quickly. "I mean if you want. If you're interested."

"No, yeah. That would be good." We smile at each other.

An arm lazily swings around me. I turn to see Minhee staring down at me.

"You alright?" he asks. "You were gone for a long time. I just came to check on you."

I felt the urge to shrug his arm off but refrained from doing so.

"I'm fine. I was just talking with Seungyoun."

Minhee looked over at the older boy who gave him a relaxed nod. Then Minhee looked at me with a pulled smile.

"Okay. Let's go back to the living room."

I glance at Seungyoun as if I was asking for his permission but in reality I just didn't want to be rude.

He gestures with his hand that it was fine for me to go.

Minhee pulled me along to go enjoy the rest of the party.

𝖷1 𝖨𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗍 𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌Where stories live. Discover now