10. A Whole New World

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"And then you guys were like 'fly high higher' and then Yohan was like 'Flash' And then you all went like this. And it was the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life!"

It had been about 20 hours since I saw X1's (yes, that's their band name) practice and I've been dying ever since.

To be honest I was expecting them to be, like, some kind of replica band that pretends to be like other bands, but no. They were extremely good.

I was impressed.

Minhee sat next to me on the couch, watching me attempt to imitate their dance moves with enjoyment. He smiled brightly and even laughed out loud a few times.

I quickly sat back down and pick up my bowl of cereal. It was breakfast time so we decided to watch cartoons while we ate since my parents had gone out again.

Although we weren't paying that much attention to the television.

"And Dohyon," I spoke through a mouthful of cereal, "that kid can really rap!"

Minhee nodded in agreement.

He swallows his spoonful of cereal.

"I'm glad you like my band," he states.

I turn on the couch to look at him better. "And you were so good!" I exclaim. Minhee's cheeks start turning red. I had realized that this whole music thing really brought out the inhibitions in him.

"Seriously, I had no idea you had that kind of talent," I look straight into his eyes.

"Thank you," he tells me in a murmur.

Finally, we settle down and actually watch the cartoon. Laughing at some of the childish jokes. Singing along to the theme song.

"By the way, I'm still going to help you with your studying," Minhee reminds me.

I look at him while drinking up the last bit of milk in my bowl.

"If you think you can," I taunt.

He chuckles, exposing his seemingly perfect smile.

"You look like a 'Got Milk?' ad." He says. Moving his bowl to the other hand, he rolls the sleeves of the sweater he was wearing further down to cover his hand. Then went to wipe my mouth.

His brown eyes were tender as his touch was gentle.

My heart started pounding.

Why was he looking at me like that?

His hand stopped at the corner of my mouth. We stayed like that for a few seconds. The tension got too much for me so I pushed his arm away and laughed uncomfortably.

It probably meant nothing.

The front door opens allowing my parents to enter the house. "Jiah," I hear my mother call for me.

"In the living room, Mom," I answer her. I get up to bring my dish to the kitchen. I pass my parents on the way, setting down their things.

My dad gives me a peck on my forehead.

"Hi, sweetheart," my mom greets me, "go get dressed we're going out for Sunday brunch." She ushers me towards the stairs.

"Really?" I ask her. This was unusual. I just ate.

"Yes, and dress nicely." She gives me a stern look. "That means no jeans and sneakers."

I groaned as I made my way up the stairs.

I knew for a fact that this was a charade for Minhee so that we seem as sophisticated as his family. Going to fancy places for brunch.

What's next?

Playing golf at the country club?

Reluctantly I pulled out one of my 'nice' dresses from my closet. I did pick out some flats because there was no way in hell that I was wearing heels at 11:30 in the morning during the weekend.

In less than twenty minutes I was ready. It really was a rushed process since I desired to get this whole ordeal over with as quickly as possible.

I step out of room to hear a soft wolf whistle behind me. I let out a breath of air in amusement.

"Didn't I already talk to you about stalking?" I say half seriously still walking to the stairs.

Minhee grabs my wrist and pulls my arm to link with his as you would see a fancy couple do.

"You did, I decided to not listen."

I stop us before we reach the stair case.

"What are you doing?" I turn to look at him. I gesture to our linked arms. Him holding my hand firmly on his arm to avoid my escape.

"I'm, how did you word it? I'm putting on the whole 'gentleman' act." Minhee's eyes shown with delight. Happy to spit my words right back out at me.

His lips pulled into a smug smile.

It may have been the first time I realized that this Kang Minhee, at this very moment, doesn't really bother me and maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't mind to have him around a little longer.

"Whatever. Let's just go," I pull us along. Minhee's hand goes from holding down my hand on his arm to caressing it.

𝖷1 𝖨𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗍 𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌Where stories live. Discover now