8. Dance Dance, Say What Now?

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When Minhee said 'some friends' I thought he meant three or four friends. I tried studying for my test but eventually gave up and went on to the old time classic: sitting on my bed while listening to music with my headphones.

I had taken them off when I heard a loud commotion coming from downstairs.

I had given Minhee and his friends some space, thinking that the atmosphere would be fairly boring. I mean, did I really want to hear some rich kids talk about how rich they are?

No thank you.

However, now listening carefully to what is going on I can hear music.

Blaring music.

Boisterous laughs.

And the sound of multiple bodies moving around.

Is he having a party in my house?

Oh, Minhee was so dead. Just wait until my parents hear about this.

A certain excitement courses through my veins. The thought of my parents finally seeing Minhee doing something relatively bad made me happy.

Maybe they will stop comparing me to him.

I resisted the urge to run down the stairs as I slowly walked in that direction. The laughter of many guys echoing louder in the corridor of the stairway.

Once I reached the first floor I turn the corner to the living room and stop myself in my tracks.

I wasn't really sure what I was seeing.

It wasn't a party, or at least not the typical party.

There were multiple guys. Some seemingly older than high school level. All the furniture in the room was pushed to the side, and in the center of the room several of the guys were laying down on the floor next to each other, panting.

It took a minute before anyone noticed me.

"Oh, hello," one of the older ones says to me.

Suddenly, everyone's attention is on me.

Minhee, who had also been on the floor, sits up straight. His eyes were slightly wide, but it didn't seem like he was that shocked.

They were all wearing athletic clothing as opposed to the fancy clothes I thought they'd be wearing.

"Okay, I'm not really sure what I'm witnessing but I think I'll just go back upstairs," my voice is oddly shaky. I take a couple steps back away from the room.

"Jiah, wait!" Minhee yelled after me.

I had already made it up a few steps before he could reach me.

Slowly I turned around to meet his flushed face. He stood a step down  from me so we faced each other directly.

His eyes wandered my face as he searched for the right words to say. Meanwhile, I leaned against the wall as I waited.

"Maybe I should have explained to you earlier," he says in between heavy breaths. He was anxious.

"Explain what?"

He looked me directly in the eye and said:

"I'm in a boy band."

My mouth fell a little open as I let his words sink in.

I'm sorry did I hear that right?

"Come again?"

Minhee laughed at my confusion. His hand raked through his hair. "Those guys down there are not only my friends they're also my band mates."

I was utterly confused.

Was this what he meant about fascinating secret things about him? Because if so, he's not wrong.

"So, wait, you sing?"

I almost couldn't imagine it.

"And dance, a bit." Minhee searched my face for my reaction to all this.

I scoff to myself. I didn't know how to feel.

On one hand I'm somewhat surprised and kind of skeptical, since I never knew Minhee had any musical talent whatsoever, but on the other I understand a lot more about his dilemma.

Kang Minhee wants to be a performer, and there is no way his medical background parents are going to accept that.

This is why he's been hesitant about medical school.

But why didn't he tell me before at the open house? He wouldn't have had his friends over here if he wanted to keep this whole thing secret.

Like I said, Kang Minhee thinks things through first.

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask him.

He looks around before settling on me. He lets out a breath. "Because I wanted at least one person outside of the band to know about it, and I trust you."

I smile faintly. I didn't know he trusted me like that.

"So your parents don't know?"

"Of course not," He moves himself closer to me, staring directly into my eyes, "and you can't tell them."

A flash of panic went across his countenance.

I shook my head. "I won't," I reassure him.

If I'm really the only person he's told then it must matter a lot to him. I'm not going to ruin something he cares about.

"Good," he says with a sigh. After a moment he gestures over towards the living room.

"Would you like to meet them?"

𝖷1 𝖨𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗍 𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌Where stories live. Discover now