Chapter 5

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The following day at school Jinyeong avoided Hoseok like the plague. She didn't know what else to do, the trust between the two friends was broken.
Most people thought maybe they had a fight, and in a way they did.
Taehyung and Hoseok were technically related.
Taehyung bullied Jinyeong.
Hoseok could have stopped it, and he didn't.
It made Jinyeong wonder if their friendship was anything more than Hoseok feeling pity that the petit girl had no friends, so he hung out with her so that she was never lonely.
Of course, Hoseok tried to talk to her, to make things right, to explain everything. But whenever he saw her, made eye contact with her, even tried to go to her, it was as if she knew and immediately walked the other way.

As Jinyeong made her lonely trek home, she wondered where she went wrong. She thought that maybe if she had talked to Hoseok more then maybe she would  have known.
But as soon as she trudged up the steps to the front door, Jinyeong came to the conclusion that if Hoseok was really her friend, then she would have:
A.      Known that he and Taehyung were brothers and
B.      Been aware that he had the ability to make it stop
And Taehyung never hurt Jinyeong to the point where she hated herself or was ever truly angry, but mean words hurt and Hoseok knew Jinyeong was sensitive.
As she made her way to her bedroom, Jinyeong decided to lay on her bed instead of doing the math homework that was assigned.
Letting out a big sigh, she flopped onto her bed and snuggled into the blankets.
She awoke an hour later to her phone going off. Reaching to silence it and go back to sleep, she noticed that it was another message from Jungkook.

@jeonjk okay are you that one girl in my biology class that is always chewing gum and had the blue hair, like, a year or two ago?

Jinyeong smiled and opened the chat to reply.
@pinkpastels no, and I have certainly never dyed my hair.

@jeonjk then are you a dude? Not that many girls like gaming as seriously as you do...

@pinkpastels no. I am 100% certain that I am a girl. Any other guesses?

@jeonjk nope. Guess I'll have to look harder tomorrow. Are you busy right now? Wanna play?

Jinyeong thought for a moment before agreeing to play with him.

A few hours later Jinyeong heard what must have been her dads coming home. Sure enough, she heard Jin calling her down for dinner. As she made her way down, she could smell the takeout Chinese and her mouth instantly watered.

"Hey Yeongie. How was school?" Namjoon asked.
"It was pretty good. I have a lot of math homework though." Jinyeong replied.
While eating dinner, Jinyeong and Namjoon both noticed how quiet Jin seemed to be. He would occasionally chuckle at something or scold Namjoon for cursing, but he didn't create much of his own conversation.
"I'll clean up. You two go ahead and go to bed. I'm sure you had a long day." Jinyeong said, picking up the trash and silverware from the table.
"I'll help. Want to talk to you about something anyways." Jin answered.
Namjoon gave Jinyeong a weird look to which she just shrugged, nodding for him to go ahead upstairs.
"So what's up?" Jinyeong asked washing the dishes.
"Is everything okay?" Jin asked, drying some of the dishes.
"Um.... Yeah? I don't know. School is hectic and I Hoseok and I aren't really talking." Jinyeong reaplied.
"It's interesting you bring up Hoseok. His mom called me at the restaurant today." Jin said, setting down his towel to look at his daughter.
"Oh? Howcome?" Jinyeong asked, drying off her hands.

"She said that Hoseok came home really upset and punched his step-brother."

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