Chapter 9

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Jinyeong was worried beyond belief. She was officially Jungkooks girlfriend.
Well. Fake girlfriend.
As she got ready that day, her phone dinged.
"Jungkook again?" She mumbled.

@jeonjk goooood morning gorgeous. Make sure to wear something nice, yeah? But please remember rule number 1.

Jinyeong slightly blushed at Jungkooks last sentence. During the middle of the night Jinyeong woke up slightly upset because of a dream she had. Deciding that she and Jungkook needed some rules/boundaries, she texted him saying they needed some kind of contract.
Jungkook, being the gentleman he was behind his mask, agreed and allowed Jinyeong to write one up for him to look over.

Rule 1. Jungkook cannot force Jinyeong to do anything that is uncomfortable. If he does, the contract will be terminated and Jinyeong is no longer required to be Jungkooks fake parter (and he must still keep her secret).

Rule 2. Both parties cannot flirt with other people for mere fun. Both parties are allowed to leave the relationship at any time, however, if there is no intention to truly date, then flirting, sleeping with, etc. is prohibited.

Rule 3. Jungkook is not allowed to go to Jinyeongs house unannounced, as is Jinyeong. Both parties must announce when they are going somewhere other than school or home so that both parties can hold the other accountable. (edit by Jungkook: is friends are over, let the other know so that nothing is assumed by the other person).

Rule 4: No lip kissing is allowed. Holding hands,head kisses, and other previously discussed contact is allowed, excluding lip kisses, cheek kisses, and sex (which includes anything sexual. Edit by Jungkook: any of the excluded items can be removed at any time by either party, and any included item may be removed by either party at any time).

Rule 5: Neither parties are allowed to tell ANYONE that what they are doing is fake. No one, not best friends, parents, (even dogs –jungkook) are not allowed to know anything other than Jungkook and Jinyeong are dating.

(Edit by Jungkook: again, both parties can leave at any time if uncomfortable).

Jinyeong smiled as she looked at the "rules" on her desk.

@pinkpastels okay. I'll be sure to look cute J

Jinyeong looked through her closet and found something else to wear other than her skinny jeans and beige sweater she had on. She did, however, want to keep her beige aesthetic going.

 Jinyeong hurried down for breakfast and kissed Jin on the cheek

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Jinyeong hurried down for breakfast and kissed Jin on the cheek. While finishing her yogurt and fruit, she heard a honk outside.
"Who is that? Is Hoseok taking you to school?" Jin asked, starting towards the door.
"No no no it's, uh, it's my boyfriend!" Jinyeong exclaimed, running out the door with her shoes and scoolbag.
"What?" Jin yelled. "Jinyeong who is that? Jinyeong!" Jin continued to scream, even after they had alreay pulled out of the driveway. Huffing and going back inside, he texted Namjoon the horrifying (but not really horrifying) news and started cleaning up.
Meanwhile, in the car, Jinyeong and Jungkook were giggling, casually driving to school.
Jinyeong slipped on her shoes and suddenly remembered who she was in the car with and went quiet.
Jungkook noticed and frowned, making sure she was okay?
"Why are you so quiet?" Jungkook asked.
"Um, well. We were never really friends Jungkook. I don't even know half the stuff you're interested in other than Insurgents and working out." Jinyeong replied, shyly hiding behind her hair.
"So? Look. If I'm being completely honest, I'm happy it's you that is my fake girlfriend. I'd rather not ask some slutty wannabe." Jungkook said. "Plus, we have all the time in the world for you to get to know me."
"Can I ask you something?" Jinyeong was curious and felt like she deserved an answer.
"Why do you act like such a bad boy at school in front of people, but when it comes to me you're a big softie?"
Jungkook was startled. He wasn't expecting to have to answer that.
"Um. Well. I guess so that I'm not outcast. I don't like being mean, and I don't consider myself to be mean. I guess it could come across that way. Sorry if I uh, if I ever seemed mean. Especially to you." He answered.
"Especially to me?" Jinyeong asked.
Jungkook hadn't meant for that to slip out.
"Um. Yeah. You know. Because I never even knew you." He answered.
"Oh. Okay. Then how about we play 20 Questions on the way to school?" Jinyeong asked, already feeling much better.
Over the course of the ride Jinyeong learned that Jungkooks favorite color was red, that his father was a business man and his step-mother a nurse, that his mom died when he was seven, and other random things like his favorite food and restaurant, why he worked out, and who his friends were.
Jungkook learned that Jinyeong was very soft, sweet, and kind, not really paying attention to her answers since he thought her voice was too beautiful. He did remember the basics though. Her favorite color was baby pink and light tan, she loved spicy ramen, she was adopted and had two dads, and that her biological brother was now married to a dance instructor.
As they pulled up to school, Jinyeong felt like all eyes were on the two of them. It was no secret that all the girls were in to Jungkook. He was handsome, fit, and seemed to have an IQ of at least 120. He was everyone's dream-boy. Of course, Jinyeong would never tell Jungkook that she thought he was handsome. She never had a crush on him and was determined not to.
"Hey, you good?" Jinyeong felt Jungkook shaking her shoulder a small bit.
"yeah. I'm just, well, really unaccustomed to all the attention."
Jungkook chuckled and grabbed her hand on instinct. "You'll be fine. If anyone says anything, they'll have to go through me first."
Blushing, Jinyeong nodded her head and opened her door, grabbing her bag and stepping out the car. She immediately was uncomfortable, but Jungkook came to her rescue and held her hand as they walked into school (glaring at a few onlookers who took an interest at Jinyeong, having never recognized her since she was, for the most part, under the radar).
Walking her to her locker, Jungkook stood and spoke with her about random things to relieve her mind of the anxiety of having so many people look at her.
"What's your first class again?" Jungkook was trying, and Jinyeong was grateful for it.
"Um, AP Chemistry I think." She responded, grabbing her Chemistry book and Muji pencil case, sliding it into her bag.
"Your pencil case looks old, Jinnie." Jungkook told her as they walked (with Jungkook holding her hand of course) to her class.
"Yeah. I haven't been back to get some more stationary in a while." She replied.
"What if we go? Together?" Jungkook asked.
"L-like a date?" Jinyeong cursed herself for stuttering.
"Yeah. Why not? It'll be perfect."
"um. Okay. Yeah. Yeah that sounds good. Text me the details after school?" The two reached her classroom and stopped outside the door.
"Sure. I'll see you at lunch babe." Jungkook kissed the top of her head and walked away, turning around to make sure that Jinyeong had gone inside.
Jinyeong blushed and went to her seat and found a note.

If you think you can get away with this, you are strongly mistaken you bitch.

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