Chapter 17

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"Jungkook, I thought you wanted an explanation for why I keep gaming a secret and how, not why you're my first boyfriend." Jinyeong complained.
"Sorry, sorry." Jungkook held his hands up in mock surrender. "I would love to listen to your explanation."
Jinyeong sat up on her bed, showing Jungkook she was serious.
"When I was about 12, I went to a PC café and played a game called Linear Destruction. My dad's never really let me play violent games when I was young, but I was really, really good at it. When they found out that Yoongi had been taking me after school to play those types of games, they were upset. But after they realized I had been going for months without any behavior issues which could have come from the game, they let me keep going."
Jinyeong sighed, knowing what came next was the real reason she didn't tell anyone.
"I kept going to PC cafés for years, until I was at least 14, maybe 15. I don't really remember. What I do remember is that one day when I was there, Yoongi left early to take Jimin on a date. I was fine and playing when this one kid I was up against got angry with me. He was so pissed that a girl beat him on a first person shooter game that he totally lost it. He insulted me. At first I didn't let it affect me, but then he started insulting Yoongi, calling him a fag and a horrible brother, that the only reason my dad's adopted him with me was because he refused to leave me."
Jungkook saw her eyes tearing up, and he started to feel really angry towards this kid.
"That's uh, that when I lost it. He crossed a line talking about Yoongi. So I hit him."
Jungkook couldn't believe what he was hearing. His sweet, innocent, caring Jinyeong had physically hit someone.
"I punched him straight in the jaw. He, of course, just fell and got even angrier. Started insulting more of my family, saying that my dads were going to hell for being gay, that they were abominations, and so on. So I just kept hitting him until he finally hit back. We ended up in a fist fight. All over a stupid video game! It was so stupid! Finally, the manager separated us and the kid's mom came, telling me that I should be ashamed of myself for getting mad over a video game. Of course, her child had reversed our rolls. That is, until my dad came. God, Jin is terrifying when he's angry. He listened to me and what I said and when he saw the kid smirk after his mother defended him, dear lord. Jin, he tore them down. Utterly destroyed not just the child, but the mom too. It was terrifying. When we got home he said that he wasn't even upset with me for defending Yoongi, but that next time I should probably not use my fists. When my other dad, Namjoon, came home, Jin told him about what had happened. That's when we decided that I should just play games at home. At first I just set up a couple things that Namjoon bought in the attic. Then, the more stuff I got, the more I started to care. So when Yoongi moved out, I changed his room to my gaming room." Jinyeong got up and pulled Jungkook with her, moving down the hall to her gaming room.
Jungkook couldn't believe it. The room was incredible. There was a PC, a ps4, plenty of games for it, a wii, even a Nintendo switch. There were multiple monitors for online stuff and her keyboard was definitely over five hundred dollars. The room wasn't big, per say, but it had plenty of space considering what all was in there.
"So this is how you do it?" Jungkook asked, looking like a kid in a candy shop.
"Yeah. My dads and I play together some, and Jimin will to. Only Hoseok knows. That kid is why I don't want anyone to know. I don't want my family to get bullied. Not to mention the only friends I've ever had only wanted to be my friend because they knew my dad was rich and that I could get a lot of money."
"Oh. Wait. Define rich because my family is pretty comfortable but-"
"He makes over ten million a year."
Jungkook opened and closed his motuh, looking like a fish.
"Kook?" Jinyeong was worried he could get the wrong idea and treat her like a spoiled brat.
"Are you okay?"
"Just surprised. I, well, my dad only makes about six hundred thousand a year and my mom makes three hundred thousand, so I'm not, like, poor, but you are literally the definition of rich." Jungkook was amazed. He didn't think that she was anything like rich people always were; spoiled, entitled, and rude.
"What does your father do?" He asked curiously, sitting down on the sofa.
Jinyeong sat beside him and replied, "Well it started as an idea, that people should have a look into what programs and scholarships do. He's really a smart man. Genius, even. He skipped two grades and graduated college after only two years, not four or five. Then, using the money he saved up from working at a library, he opened a business. I'm sure you have heard of it."
Jungkook's eyes got wide.
"Wait. Your dad is the Kim Namjoon? Like Kim Namjoon of Entercore? Like the same Kim Namjoon that has given literally billions of dollars towards scholarships?"
Jinyeong giggled. "Yeah. That's him."
Jungkook started crying.
"Oh my god are you okay? No no it's fine you're fine he-"Jinyeong was cut off by Jungkook throwing himself at her, hugging her tightly.
"Thank you. Thank you and thank your father and thank your other father and thank your brother and thank you father again."
Jungkook released Jinyeong from his grasp.
"Jinyeong, Entercore gave my older brother two-hundred thousand for college. He applied just hoping for the best. He didn't think he could get in. But he ended up getting a full ride. Now he's in his seventh year of medical school. He's going to be a neuro surgeon. He always wanted that. Your father literally made my brother's dreams come true."
"Jungkook I think you should tell my dad that, not me."
Just as she said that, the two heard the front door open, signaling that someone was home.

"Jinyeong! Jungkook! I know you're home so don't even bother trying to stay up there!"

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