Chapter 23

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Jungkook watched the video in horror. He couldn't believe someone could be this cruel. Namjoon just held Jin who was sobbing. Yoongi, well, Yoongi had to leave. If he hadn't, he may have actually hurt someone else in the room. Jimin decided to leave him be and just wrapped his arms around Jungkook as he sobbed more and more.
"We need to take this to the police," Jimin whispered.
Namjoon nodded, and managed to get everyone minus Yoongi into the car, starting the drive to the police station.
While Yoongi was at the house, he lost it. He went to his and Jimins bedroom, trashing it completely. He didn't know what else he could do. If he went with them, he might just explode. If he stayed here, he could explode and not hurt anyone.
Minutes later when he was on the floor, breathing heavily and still crying, he made his way down the attic stairs and to the second floor, to Jinyeongs bedroom. Laying on her bed, Yoongi just apologized over and over, wishing that it had been himself instead of her.

Jinyeong had passed out a while ago. The pain had been too much. She still had one lodged in her shoulder, which would definitely never be the same again, if she ever made it out.
Minyoung had moved upstairs to take a shower when she heard the sirens. Jumping out, she put on clothes and hopped out the window, but was too late. Her house was surrounded.
The police had found her because they managed to find a witness from a convenience store, telling them that they had seen a young girl with someone on her back hobbling down the street. Apparently the girl on her back didn't appear to be awake, so after matching homes with basements to the street the girl went down, they were able to find that only one had a basement and was owned by someone who didn't even exist.
The ambulance got there and quickly went in, managing to find Jinyeong and get her body onto a stretcher.
While sobbing, Jin and Namjoon climbed onto the ambulance and told Jimin to take Jungkook and get Yoongi, then meet at the hospital.

After five hours, Jinyeong was out of surgery. Her spine had to be reset and was covered in bruises, her shoulder was currently wrapped up and not functioning, not to mention her wrists and ankles which were rubbed so raw that they left not only bruises but also deep lacerations. She had a concussion and multiple forearm fractures and her jaw was broken, also sporting a shattered collarbone.
The doctors assured that she would wake up, but that she may not make a full recovery. Her collarbone was shattered in both shoulders and the shoulder that was stabbed may not ever be fully functional again.
Jungkook listened to all of this, Namjoon and Jin both allowing him alone with Yoongi and Jimin to come listen and stay in the room.
While the doctor explained all of her injuries and the chances for recovery, Jimin took Yoongis hand and led him out of the room. Namjoon had to leave as well, hating himself for not protecting his own daughter well enough.
The doctor was about to leave when Jungkook spoke up. "Can she still play video games?" At first, the doctor thought that he was just being immature, but when he looked at his face, he saw how serious he was.
"It is likely, yes," The doctor responded.
"Thank you doctor." Jin shook his hand then took a seat beside Jungkook.
"Jungkook. This is going to be hard. Her recovery is going to be near impossible because she is physically weak, but I need you, absolutely need you, not to blame yourself. This isn't anyone's fault but that evil girl, okay? I know my daughter, and she isn't going to want help. But you need to be there. She won't let Yoongi in, she'll know that he's hurt the most. And she certainly won't let Joonie and I in, because she knows that we will just blame ourselves, even if we try not to." Jin explained.
"Why are you telling me all of this?" Jungkook whispered.
"Because you're the last person she's going to want to let in."
Jungkook turned his head and looked at Jin.
"She isn't going to want you around because she will feel guilty. But I know my daughter more than she knows herself and she needs you more than anyone else since it could have been you in her position."
Jin let out a few tears and Jungkook wrapped an arm around him.
They stayed like that for some time, just listening to the heart monitor and waiting for Jinyeong to wake up.
At some point, Jimin and Yoongi had come back with takeout food and some water cups, and Namjoon returned from going home and getting clothes.
Namjoon also had paid for Jinyeong to be moved to a bigger hospital room (or suite, it was so big) so that it could accomedate all of them, plus some if there were other visitors.

Namjoon also had paid for Jinyeong to be moved to a bigger hospital room (or suite, it was so big) so that it could accomedate all of them, plus some if there were other visitors

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After eating and eventually falling asleep, Jungkook laid awake, pulling a chair up next to Jinyeong and holding her hand.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there. I should have just stayed at the office with you. If I had, then maybe you wouldn't be here. Maybe you wouldn't have been so injured. Maybe, just maybe, we could be at your house instead, playing video games and working on homework. The doctor said that you should be able to play games still, which is good. He also said that we should talk to you, since you might be able to hear us. I'm not really sure what else to say other than I love you, though. Because I do. I'm in love with you and I couldn't do a fucking thing to stop what happened."
Jungkook started crying, laying his head beside her arm.

Then he felt her fingers squeeze his hand.

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