Chapter 15

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Jinyeong sat there, frozen.
"You don't have to talk, so I will." Jungkook continued.
"The first day of freshman year is when you transferred to our school. I wasn't really popular then, and you weren't really, well, anyone. I remember seeing you on the first day though, and thinking, 'that's a really pretty girl.'"
Jinyeong couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"I would watch you from afar, and wonder what it was like to be your friend. I always saw you with Hoseok and wondered what was so great about him. I was even jealous of him. I still am, in a way. Over the past couple of years, I grew in popularity because I was good at video games, and they grew pretty popular here at school. But I never forget a face, and I certainly never forgot yours. I had always had a small crush on you, and I tried to fill it with other girls because I thought that if you never even said hello to me, then you wanted nothing to do with me. And I only ever wanted you to be happy, so I put on this bad boy persona to try and see if you would notice me then, but it's like you said this morning. I just scared you off even more. The last year I watched you from afar. I saw Taehyung with you, and thought that maybe he liked you to, but when he put his hand on your shoulder and you flinched, I almost punched him because I realized what was going on. I did end up punching him anyways, but we were drunk and I guess he didn't remember because he still bullied you even though I told him multiple times to stop. I thought about just bashing the daylights out of him, but then where would you go? I would have scared you away and lost my best friend. I regret not trying harder to stop him but I felt trapped. Then when I saw that there was a good gamer, I got excited and thought that maybe if they were a girl, I could get my mind off you. And so me and mystery girl started chatting, and I knew it was you after a while. I saw the way you texted and spoke were similar, not to mention, Hoseok is the only one from our school that follows that account. I put two and two together. I always wanted to text you. Always. I was falling deeper and deeper for you, and I didn't even know it. After a while, I saw that you had given me enough to say that it was you, so I took a leap of faith and I asked." Jungkook seemed to pause, nervous for what he was going to say next.
"It may sound weird, but I never wanted you to be my fake girlfriend. I would have kept your secret with me no matter what. I just wanted to be at least friends with you. And when you said yes, I actually lost my marbles in my room." Jungkook chuckled thinking back to how he had whooped and hollered at home in his room.
"So, you've liked me? This whole time?" Jinyeong asked quietly. She couldn't believe it. He crush of two days had liked her for almost three years.
"Yeah. It's insane, I know." Jungkook suddenly felt regret as Jinyeong started to get up, but was thoroughly surprised when she pulled him up with her.
"I like you too, Jungkook." Jinyeong smiled up at him, almost beaming with joy.
Sure, he wasn't the perfect boy, but who was? Who was Jinyeong supposed to be with if it wasn't Jungkook?
"You- wait, hang on. You like me too?" Jungkook was dumbfounded. He never would have thought Jinyeong liked him back.
"Yeah, Kook. I do. Maybe it's weird because we've only really talked for two days, but I do. I really do."
Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jinyeong.
"Does this mean I can burn the contract and call you my real girlfriend?" Jungkook asked with a wide smile on his face.
"Oh I don't know Jungkook I me- oh my gosh of course you can please don't cry." Jungkooks eyes had begun to well up with tears when she started saying that he couldn't, but was quickly replaced with a wide smile, showing off all of his bunny teeth.
Hugging her once again, Jungkook whispered, "I can finally call you mine, babygirl." Jinyeong blushed as the two made their way out of the bathroom and to the front office.

"So. You're the boy who drove my daughter to school."

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