1. First school day

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Today the summer holidays were over and the school started again. Stefani, a 17-years old student, was just on her way to school and sat in the bus. While she was already in High school, her sister, Natali, was still in Middel School. When she got out of the bus she was immediately pulled into the arms from her friend Bo. The two friends hadn't seen each other the whole holidays and now had a lot to talk about. The girls went through the familiar corridors of the school and rejoined their lockers for the first time after 4 months.

Did you see Frederic? He is now with Sarah.

Honestly? I always thought Sarah didn't want a relationship yet?

Yes, well once you're in love, you change your mind.

It's funny how fast the whole thing sometimes works.

I wish I would meet someone so great! Unfortunately, Brandon doesn't want to hear from me. Ouh, tell me, what about Taylor?

Oh, you know, it didn't work anymore. We broke up during vacation.

You broke up? You Broke Up with the hottest guy in our school? Gosh, I really missed a lot.

Yes! He was always just made a fool of me in front of his friends and said I can't do anything. Luckily he changed school!

Yes, ok! You should really separate yourself from people like that. Amazing that no one noticed? I mean, not all the girls on this school would have been so in love with him, if they would know this, right? Good that you have finished with him!

I know!

A boy with black hair walked past the girls and looked at Stefani all the time.

Hi Stefani!

Who was that?

Oh that- that's Christian. He is a friend of mine. We have met at parties and somehow he doesn't let me alone now. It's a bit annoying, but he is nice!

Doesn't look that bad-

You think so? I think he's kinda just corrosive! He constantly watches me and as soon as I talk to another male, he becomes jealous. I mean he is nice, but he shouldn't try to control me!

Both girls became quiet as a person walked past them. It was their bully, the person who bullied them the most. For no reason, Stefani suddenly grabbed her by the arm and slammed her against the locker.

You are a slut!

Bo stood transfixed and could only watch as she whispered the words into Stefani's ear. Her voice so spiteful. But before anyone else could notice, she let go of her and walked into the classroom.
Stefani's heart beat faster. That was the reason why she was not looking forward to school.

Everything ok?

Yeah, yeah I'm fine.

The bell started to sound and all students rushed to their classrooms.
Stefani and Bo were deep in a conversation, on their way to the classroom, until a young man stormed around the corner and crashed into her. She lost her balance and tipped backwards. Fortunately, the boy's reflexes were quick so he was able to catch her at the last moment. Stefani looked at the man. He had beautiful blue eyes.
His brown, short hair was a bit chaotic and he had a light stubble beard.

I am so sorry! I didn't see that y-

Stefani absorbed all the details about this guy. Her green eyes stared straight into his blue ones. After the school bell sounded the second time, they woke up from their trances. The man was immediately enchanted, but unfortunately he had to go. He left his hands from the petite girl in front of him and started picking up her books.

A Love Is Born - Teacher X Student (Bradga)Where stories live. Discover now