Chapter I

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Chapter One: Skyfall

~Rizuka's P.oV~

I stare at the colorful sky with fluffy patches of white. The cold wind biting at my skin as I fall with my back to the ground. The wind is noisy yet calming, and I don't feel like screaming, honestly why would I? 'When I reach the ground will I die?' I ask myself as I watch the fleeting colors leave my sight. I don't completely understand what it means to die, it's just when you go to sleep and never wake up right? That won't be so bad, I'm getting tired of barely hanging onto my life anyways. This isn't a bad last memory either. Mom and Dad already left me a while ago. It's time for me to join them.

The black and white world I used to see is now full of beautiful colors, blue, pink, orange, and many more. I feel my cheeks start hurting, why is that? It's never happened before, but maybe it has? Long ago. It's hard to breathe, is it because I'm so high in the sky? I watch my shredded dress flutter upward with my grey hair. I'm not hungry, I'm not tired, I'm not bored, I'm not wary, no I don't feel any of that, it's not here in the sky. Nothing hurts, it's all numb. I feel free.

Green invades the colorful sky. Then everything stops. It's blank, silent, empty. There's nothing. My memories of my parents fly through my mind. The way they tried to keep starving themselves hidden from me, they always fed me, but couldn't feed themselves. Eventually their bodies couldn't handle it anymore, and they went to sleep, they didn't talk to me anymore, give me kisses, hug me, or keep me warm while I slept. They were just there, empty, lifeless, and grey.

Their cold and quiet bodies stayed in front of me as I waited for them to open their tired eyes and smile at me. Assuring me that we'd always be fine, and we would find a nice house, that I would go to school and make friends, that we'd have three warm meals a day. I knew they were lying, but I couldn't help but to put my trust in their words, I knew what they said was going to come true. It had to because they worked hard every single day, they loved me with their all every second they could.

It didn't happen despite all their hardwork. They stopped waking up one day, their eternal sleep was confirmed. The time they spent alive was over, now it was time for them to sleep in peace. They weren't hurting anymore, they didn't have to struggle anymore, and I'm going to join them soon. Maybe the sky I see is a dream, a nice picture to watch before I float into an eternal sleep with mom and dad.

Or so I thought.

I open my eyes and catch sight of the normal colors. It's darker now, and everything is bland again. Something cold and wet nudges my leg, and I look at what it is. It doesn't look familiar to me, so I study it. Actually it looks like a giant mutated cat. It eventually leaves before I can fully study it. I sit up and walk around. My body feels light, and I'm not hungry like before, it's weird.

I don't know how long I wonder around. There's nothing in sight, and things keep running away and blending into the trees and bushes before I can see them. "Huh?" I hum out when I see tall walls block my path. Out of curiosity, I walk alongside the wall until I reach a place that looks different. "State your business." I look to the side at a weirdly dressed person. I tilt my head at what he means.

'I guess I'm not aloud in this place without proper reason...' I tell myself before turning away and walking back into the forest. "H-hey!" I stop moving and turn to look at the person. His shocked face confuses me, causing me to tilt my head. "Uh, Umm. I don't have a good reason to enter this place other than my curiosity, so I'll return to the forest?" I say while nervously looking away from the man.

Mom and dad told me not to talk with strangers, but I still talk to the man in front of me because I need to gather information. I don't know where I am, so I really don't want any trouble with the people living here while trying to figure out where this is. Who knows what they could do it I refuse... I squeak when an unknown figure appears in front of me when I try to walk away again. He looks like a serious person. "Ah, Itachi is your squad back from your mission?" The other person who started to chase me approaches us.

I flinch and hide behind the serious looking person, he has a comforting feeling around him similar to mom and dad's. He's brimming with colors as well, it's pretty, like mom and dad. "Yes, they told me to inform you of their arrival beforehand." The person named Itachi says. "I see, thank you for your hard work Itachi." The other person smiles. "Who's this?" Itachi lifts his arm to show me to the other person. "Ah, I don't know, she's an odd one, she said she's gonna return to the forest." I lean into Itachi more, I'm beginning to feel anxious, I hate this feeling it's weird.

I don't know this place, everything is different, mom and dad aren't with me, there are people who I don't know, the creatures in the forest run from me, but the one I saw looked weird, the place I can't enter is surrounded by a tall wall, what is it hiding from? I don't know what to do or what's in this place, and that's scary. Scary? I feel a hot liquid slide down my cheeks. "She's crying." Itachi says.

"What's crying?" I ask him while wiping the clear liquid from my face. The other person leans down in front of me, and I flinch again with a gasp. I scoot closer to Itachi and hide again. "She seems really attached to you, do you know her?" The other person asks Itachi. "I don't." He says while I continue to wipe away the salty liquid spilling from my eyes. My nose starts to get runny, and I wipe that away too. "Why won't it stop?" I bite my lip and cover my face, giving up on cleaning it.

-Love Kimi(A crying bitch)

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