Chapter XVII

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Chapter 17: Summoning Jutsu

Rizuka's P.o.V

"What are you doing?" I ask Naruto and Pervy Sage. Seeing Naruto, in his naked female form, clinging onto Pervy Sage is really... uncomfortable, to say the least. "Fine I'll teach you that technique..." Pervy Sage grumbles. "Do you remember what I said yesterday, about the two types of chakra you have?" He asks Naruto.

"Huh? Yesterday's talk?" Naruto repeats. "Hey now, you know, what you said about blue and red chakra, or something like that." Sage reminds him. "Oh that... What about it?" Naruto questions. "You told me when great power showed up, you felt red chakra." Sage says. "Yeah, it felt like that." Naruto responds. I shudder again at the times it's happened. "So try building up that chakra right now!" Sage tells him.

"What?!" I flinch and back away from Naruto. I watch Naruto put his hands together as I visibly panic. "Wait wait! Let me run first!" I swing my arms around. I clumsily trip and fall on my face in my panic. I hear Naruto yelling, so I turn around to look at them. 'Oh thank god.' I sigh in relief. I watch both of them talk, and I return to them.

'Well he's not wrong Naruto.' I reluctantly agree with Sage's claim of Nine Tails being Naruto's greatest power. I kind of watch Sage continue to rant until he brings up summoning jutsu. I start to closely pay attention to him and listen to what he says. "First thing's first, we need to get rid of all your chakra before we try to summon anything." Sage says. "Huh?" I watch Naruto flip backwards and use his shadow clones.

'I mean, not a bad choice, but really Naruto?' I facepalm as he starts a battle royal with himself. A stray Naruto flies into Sage, and I laugh at the scene. Sage gets comfortable as Naruto fights Naruto clones. "Hm..." I jump into a tree and watch Naruto. He finally defeats the last of himself, so Sage stands up and says he'll teach him the technique.

I jump down to listen to what he has to say. "You, you can join him." He tells me, so I crouch down next to Naruto and write my name in thumb blood. 'Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey, Sheep." Naruto says while I say in my head. I slam my hand down on the ground and get lifted off the ground. "Ah, I did it." I look at Naruto to see a small tadpole. "N-not, not bad Rizuka..." Sage praises me as he stares at Naruto's tadpole.


I watch Naruto summon the tadpole again after claiming to summon a big one. Mine is smaller than Sage's, but it's an okay one considering I don't have as much chakra as them. He keeps on trying, but to no avail.

"Hah..." I dreadfully look away as he uses the sexy jutsu to keep Sage to stay longer. He does the summoning jutsu again and the tadpole has legs thia time. "Ah!" I exclaim as he cheers, but Sage, who hasn't been paying attention, starts yelling out negatively. I hear the birds caw "Aho Aho Aho" Just Kidding-


Around three weeks have passed since we've met Pervy Sage. I've completely given up on stopping Sage's perverted antics, and I patiently watch Naruto summon frogs over and over again. Of course, I've been doing my own training, like developing my Kekkei Genkai's usage, increasing my regenerative chakra cap, and doing more physical training. It's tough work, but I need to improve.

Naruto starts yelling again, so I open my eyes and look back. I'd been meditating to help my focus and feel chakra even better than before. Naruto collapses once again, and Sage stands up to look at him. Shortly after he pours water onto Naruto's face. I sigh and continue my solo training. "Rizuka! Let's go!" Naruto yells at me. "Hm?" I get up and follow the two.

I take my bath and wait for the two outside. Then Sage takes us to back to the leaf village. "Naruto is there something you want to eat?" Sage asks. 'Wait... Is Naruto gonna die?' I skeptically stare at Sage. We eat ramen, and I help Naruto pay his bill. Naruto and I walk together, and Sage pops up after ditching us.

'Yes, she'll probably hit you and ignore you Naruto...' I agree with his turmoil. Sage and I watch Naruto trying to hug Sakura. "Then..." I hug Naruto instead. "Will this work? Naruto may not have a crush on me, but we're pretty close, so you could say he likes me in a way." I sigh. Sage starts taking us to another place.

'What is he going on about..?' I analyze Sage's odd actions. Suddenly he punches Naruto, I try to react, but he releases a whole bunch of chakra to override my system. "Why?" I mutter as I pass out.


I open my eyes in a haze. 'Is this a dream?' I ask myself while staring at the large, distorted, being. "So you're the one who steals my chakra." He looks down at me. "Steals?" I curiously look at the vicious red surrounding him. "Are you the Nine Tails?" I walk closer to him. "Why are you trapped in a cage?" I don't flinch when his claws fly by my face.

"You may not realize it, but this is the place you share with the boy I'm trapped in. He's here too, that's why you are here." He growls in a low voice. "Naruto's here? Why?" I get closer to him. I don't know why, even though his chakra violates me, I'm drawn to it. "Aren't you scared of dying?" He glares at me. "Is this not a dream?" I stand right in front of the iron bars that trap him. "It's not." He starts laughing. "Why are you laughing?" I tilt my head.

"I just got threatened by the boy. He wants to use my chakra." He grins maliciously. "I see... Say, would you mind greatly if I used your chakra to train? I may or may not let you view the world in a smaller form if you do. Although, I might have to force you not to go on destructive rampages." I take a breath and enter the cage. "How courageous! The both of you! Fine then, I'll oversee your training. Think of it as a reward for making it this far!" He says, and my body seizes to function.

A wake up in a frenzy when I feel an enormous amount of chakra. I jolt up with my senses all over the place. I don't know exactly how, but I start falling at a high speed with blurred eyesight. "*&#%!" I hear a distorted shout, I can't make it out. 'Ah, I can't feel anything but chakra. I'm drowning...' I close my eyes and let my body go limp.

'Eh?' I shiver when I regain my senses. I open my eyes to see Naruto. "Are you okay?!" He asks me in surprise. We both start to roll down the surface and a thundering voice yells at us. 'Jiraiya?' I cling onto Naruto's hand as he asks for the person. "Um... Naruto's right, Jiraiya-san didn't summon you, he did." I back up Naruto's claim. He starts to laugh and thinks we're lying to him.

"Naruto, don't pick fights with summons... Even if the summon is a complete jerk." I add gasoline to the fire. He throws us onto his back and jumps out of the ravine. I land gracefully next to Naruto, ah, who am I kidding? I faceplant and roll on the floor as Naruto quickly jumps to his feet. 'That fucking hurts.' I hiss at the pain. "Can summons even do that?" I watch the summon walk away from us, claiming that he'll enjoy this world for a little while.

I follow Naruto as he makes his way back on top of the Chief Toad. I use my chakra to stay on the toad as it flings Naruto around. I'm still recovering from my shock, so my focus is not that good yet. It's taking all I have to stay on the toad's head, I feel bad for Naruto, who's clinging on his nostril, I think... 'Stop trying to drown us..! Wait, why am I even doing this?' I gulp for air each time we resurface.

It gets darker as time passes, and Chief Toad is still torturing us. "Naruto why'd you have to anger the Chief?" I cling on the Toad's clothes while gasping for air. "You two kids! What are your names." Chief Toad asks us. "Naruto! I'm Naruto Uzumaki!" Naruto gleefully shouts. "I'm Rizuka Kyoyin..." I answer, definitely less excited than Naruto. He repeats our names before jumping again.

"Don't blame me if you die!" He says, and I brace for impact. "Naruto..." I watch him pull himself back up with clones. 'Why don't you just give up, kid?' A familiar voice asks me. 'Eh? Kyu... Kyuubi..? What are you... How are you...?' I ask myself? 'You've taken enough of my chakra, so I can manifest here as well. But, I don't have enough of it to break your control over me! Impressive for a kid!' He... praises me? 'I... I'm sleepy...' I slowly lose consciousness.

-Love Kimi

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