Chapter VI

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Chapter Six: Naruto Uzumaki

~Rizuka's P.o.V~

It's been around a week since I settled with Hatake-san as my caretaker. The first day of the rules Hatake-san set for me were difficult to follow. I got too full for three meals, I didn't understand how to properly wash myself, I found it odd for my outfit to be consisted of so many pieces of clothing because it made it hard to put on, but...

The most illogical rule to follow, and still attempt to follow and get used to, is the one where I have to speak up. He constantly pressures me to speak my mind when I have no complaints. Before I do anything, he'll ask me what I think about it. It just doesn't make sense, I'm doing better than before and I'm getting proper care, but he always thinks it's not enough to please me. Believe me, it's way more than enough, to the point where I'm overwhelmed and don't know what to do. I try to tell him that, but he doesn't truly believe me when I explain it to him.

"Are you ready for your first day?" He asks me. "Yes." I purse my lips and nod. "I'll just watch over you until you get there, do you remember where it's at?" We put on our sandals at the entrance, it's not that we couldn't wear them in the house, it's just more convenient for it to be at the door. I hum in a positive manner, giving him enough confirmation for my answer. He opens the door and locks it after we exit. He immediately vanishes into the shadows, but I can still see his colors. I can't feel him around me, but his colors give him away with a red flag.

I trot down the stairs and make my way to the Academy. Hatake-san took me to it from different directions a few times to get me familiarized with it. He's so weird, he seems nonchalant and uninterested, but he's really doting and conscious when it comes to me. It might be because I'm an 'ignorant, unware, naive, and gullible child who has been raised under a harsh system.' Or so he says.

I follow the familiar patterns of the pathway as I near my destination. I suddenly start to fall forward before I'm standing upright again. "Sorry!" I look up to see a person around my age. I shift my sight to the side as an air of awkwardness surrounds me. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki!" A hand pops up in my peripheral. "Um, I'm Rizuka Kyoyin..." I shyly shake his hand. He's too energetic, like his colors. His colors are lively and thrashing, it's really bright.

"Say, are you going to the Academy? I can take you there! You're new right?" He gets up in my face. "I am..." I say, and with those two words, he grasps my hand and runs towards our destination. I look back at Hatake-san and mouth thank you before it's too late. For a second I can see the bright sky and the vibrant colors of the village as he drags me by the hand. Then I notice how the people look at him.

It's mean, harsh, they hold such a menacing hatred towards this cheerful boy. Why is that? I know, I'll be the one that doesn't look at him like he's unwanted. "Nn-Naruto-san?" I stutter his name. "Hm?" He slows down and looks at me. "Do you want to try and be my friend?" I ask him, unsure if he wants to try it out. I never had a friend, mom and dad wanted me to get one, so I'll try to be friends with a kid around my age who shines like them.

"Really?! Yeah!" His eyes gleam. I squeeze his hand and hide my face. "I've never had one, so I want to try to be friends with someone." I mutter. "You're my first friend too! I'm so happy! Let's go!" He literally shouts in joy and starts running again. Running wears me out, I haven't ran this much in... possibly my whole life. "Naruto-kun, I'm tired." I start to choke on the air because of how fast I'm trying to take it into my lungs.

He brings the running down to a walk, and we both stop near a hanging seat. "Here." He lifts me onto the seat and stands in front of me. "Rizuka, do you not exercise?" He raises an eyebrow at me. I clench the ropes that hold the seat up when I feel my sense of balance disappear. "Exercise?" I ask him, not knowing what it means to exercise. "Yeah! Like running around and training and stuff..." He flaps his arms around, trying to explain the foriegn word.

"I don't, I usually sit or lay down all day. I've moved more in the past two days than I have my whole life." I tell him. "WHAT?! HOW?!" He yells at me, a shocked expression landing on his face. "I don't know, it's normal for me." I look at him with concern. "Naruto-sa-kun, class will start soon, no?" I ask him after I realize where we are. He gasps and helps me off of the floating seat. "Iruka-Sensei's gonna kill me." He mutters as he takes me into the building.

Before we completely enter the school building, I wave goodbye to Hatake-san, knowing he'll have to leave soon. I carefully study the path that Naruto-kun takes me on. It might take me a few tries to get it down right. Naruto-kun flings the door open with one hand, the other one is still laced with mine. "Sensei, I've got the new student you were talking about yesterday!" Naruto-kun announces.

"Naruto! Don't drag students around!" Sensei immediately assumes Naruto has done something bad. "Naruto-kun helped me!" I flush when my voice comes out louder than I expected.

-Love Kimi

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