Chapter XVI

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Chapter 16: Ebisu-sensei's Training

Rizuka's P.o.V

"Have you gained control?" I open my eyes and stare at Otou-san. "Yeah, it's a tricky one. To think he was that much willpower... Ah! I need to tell you something." I sit up in the bed and firmly look at him. "Kabuto Yakushi is a traitor, and I think he's working with someone from the sound." I break the news. "I see, I'll take your word for it, get some more rest. Find Naruto when you're ready." He walks out of the room.

I sigh softly and lay back down. I take the book off the stand and open it. "Naruto huh? I wonder how his battle went..." I mutter restlessly. "Ah! Jeez!" I huff and throw the covers off. I walk out of the room. 'When did they transfer me to the hospital..?' I furrow my eyebrows and walk down tk the lobby. 'Hm? Naruto's here already?' I listen to him shout.

'Closet Perv?' I blankly stare at the three. "Um... He-Hello?" I awkwardly watch the other guy strangle Naruto. "Eh~, I didn't know you two were already acquainted." Otou-san hums. Naruto complains while I still stay standing next to Otou-san. 'Am I being ignored..?' I wait for someone to notice me. "Now, I'll be going Ebisu-sensei. Good luck with him." Otou-san finally glances at me.

"Ah, Ebisu-sensei. This is Rizuka! She'll be under your care as well, don't worry she's an excellent student." He nervously introduces me to Naruto's trainer. "Hello Sensei, please take care of me." I awkwardly greet him. He greets me back as Otou-san walks away. Naruto immediately starts to complain. 'Why do I have two children on my hands. I'll get you back for this Otou-san...' I watch the two.

"How childish, but smart move Ebisu-sensei." I sigh, watching Naruto run off. I slowly follow them around and wait for them to give up their chase. "Ah, I'm hungry." I stop and decide to wait at Ichiraku's Ramen Shop. I'd rather not waste energy chasing the two of them, and knowing Naruto, he'd show up to eat at this place eventually.

I wait outside the shop while reading a book. "Rizuka!" I hear Naruto shout. "Ah, are you done now?" I say after seeing Ebisu-sensei behind him. I eat next to Naruto and casual listen to what Sensei is saying. 'He really can't control his chakra...' I shudder at the times I've almost literally drowned in it. "It may be irritating, but have an open mind okay?" I pitch in at his negative quip.

I turn in my seat to watch Sensei explain things to Naruto. 'Naruto...' I can feel the bankruptcy getting ever closer as he continues to eat. "Well then, let's go train." He stands up. "Sir your bill!" I watch Ebisu-sensei eyes widen. "I can help pay Sensei..." I sweatdrop with a lopsided smile.


'What are we going to do here..?' I stand at the entrance with the two of them. "Ne~ Are we taking a bath in the Hot-Springs?" Naruto asks. "No, we're going to be training here." Ebisu-sensei says. "Training at a hot-spring?" I voice with a hint of confusion. "Yes. I want you two to walk on the hot water! I've heard from Kakashi-kun that you've completed tree-climbing. However, hot water is different, a tree is stationary, so it's easier to use a fixed chakra amount." He explains.

"I don't get it!" Naruto interrupts him. "I guess it would be better to show you..." He proceeds to demonstrate. 'Isn't that, like, dirty?' I grimace as he stands on the water. Naruto follows suit but falls into the water. I concentrate my chakra onto my feet and set one onto the water. "Ow!" I wince when it slips through. 'It's different...' I refocuse my chakra and try again. "That's not it either..." I bite my lip at the stinging water.

I try again after fixing the my chakra, and I start walking on the water. "Eh! No fair! That's so cool!" Naruto yells when he sees me walking on the water. "Sens-" I see a giant frog slam him on the ground. 'Who's he?' I look at the man on top of the frog. "Eh, what a lame introduction." I hum next to Naruto. "Say, Pervy Sage! What will you do about my training?!" Naruto shouts at him, and I choke out a laugh.

I watch them argue with a sweatdrop. 'How does Naruto manage to get into arguments with literally everyone??' I ask myself. "Eh?! Naruto?!" I chase after him when he takes off after the Pervy Sage. We hear a scream and stop running. A woman walks out of the shop in anger as the Pervy Sage follows her. "What a disgraceful grownup..." Naruto stares at him in disgust. "You've got that right..." I mutter.

"W-What?" I flinch when the perv gets in my face. "Hey!" Naruto and I shout when he picks us up. "Let me go!" I shout as he takes me away from Naruto while laughing. He enters the forest and sits down, setting me on the ground as well. "What the hell are you doing?" I glare at him and internally panic. 'He's strong, I can tell that much. I won't escape easily, just what does he want with me.' I rack my brain for answers.

"Are you looking to be trained little lady?" He grins at me, and unintentionally back away. "I only train with Naruto." I say as I buy time for Naruto to show up. "Who? Is that your boyfriend?" He asks me. "You know, I might be tempted to kill you instead." I smile sweetly. 'Thanks for being so quick Naruto!' I watch as the shurikens go towards the perv.

I sigh in relief when Naruto stands next to me. We sit down, and I keep a distance away from the perverted one. 'Ew...' I take off with Naruto. 'Naruto please stay innocent.' I watch as he chooses a watermelon shaped oddly. I track Pervy Sage for Naruto, and we sit down across from him. 'Ah, Sensei's here.' I relax just a little bit. "Hey! Aren't you gonna train me?!" Naruto stops Pervy Sage from walking away.

"Ugh how annoying." I watch the man complain. "I see... so I should bring stacked girls huh?" He says. 'Is he...' I facepalm as he uses his Sexy Jutsu. "I'll have to say... I'm currently disappointed in the male species..." I sigh. "So you'll train me?" Naruto bats his eyes at Pervy Sage. "I have one condition." He says. "Oi." I hum in distaste. "Stay in that form while I'm around." He says. Naruto releases his jutsu and starts yelling at the Perv.

"I'm a super pervert!" He cackles. "Is that something to be proud of?" I mumble inch closer to Naruto. We follow him back into the woods and reach a small area with a stream of water. "Okay, I'll watch your training." Pervy Sage says. "You're not lying right?" Naruto asks him. "A Sage doesn't go back on his word. Now boy, do that training from before." He responds.

I follow Naruto and start walking on the water. 'Hm... it's hard to balance...' I flinch when Naruto falls into the water next to me. I feel my feet sink a bit, and then I fall with him. "Naruto..." I whine and exit the water. "Don't look at me like that." I glare at Pervy Sage for a second. Naruto strips his outfit off and tries again by our trainer's order. "Eh? You..." I clench my hand into a fist when he calls Naruto sexy.

I walk on the water again to get familiar with it, and I look back at Naruto for a second. 'What the hell?!' I screech in my mind as the man touches Naruto's stomach. I run back to them to stop the man, but he suddenly stands up and asks Naruto to do a 'banzai'. 'What is he planning?' I look at them in confusion. I then notice his fingers are focused with chakra. "Naruto!" I yell as the Sage pushes Naruto back with the chakra.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I run towards Naruto. "Just some pressure points to relax you, now try walking on the water again." He says. Naruto follows what he says and successfully walks on the water. "Hey kid come here. I'm gonna teach you an ace technique." He says. 'Why has the Nine Tail's chakra gotten stronger? Was it him..?' I side glance at the older man.

"Say little girl, would you mind going back to find your Sensei?" He asks me. "Whatever you're going to teach Naruto, I'm listening whether you like it or not. I practically know everything about him as he knows me." I cross my arms and sit next to Naruto. "Jeez." He rubs his neck and sits in front of us. Naruto excitedly asks questions. "Before I teach you anything, there's something you need to know. You might not notice, but you posses two types of Chakra." He says. 'Ah, he knows about the Nine Tails...'

"Two types?" Naruto questions. "Have you ever felt a special chakra?" Sage asks. "Special? Hmm..? Actually, now that I think about it, there have been times where this powerful chakra appears out of nowhere. But... I don't really remember anything from those times." Naruto answers. "And I'm the one who has to suffer in those moments..." I grumble at the memories.

He calls it a day, and we head back to take baths. I sit in the warm water and relax. "Today sure was odd." I sigh. "Rizuka, we're getting out!" Naruto shouts from the other side. "Okay." I answer him and get out myself. We go to a hotel and rent a room. "I guess we're sharing." Naruto says while crawling into the bed. I follow him and snuggle close to him. "Goodnight Naruto." I hum.

-Love Kimi

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