Chapter IX

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Chapter 9: Memories and Casualties

Rizuka's P.o.V

I flop back onto the ground and breathe heavily. "Who were they?" I ask him. "I don't know..." He still faces away from me. "Naruto-kun, let's go home okay? It's getting late." I change the topic and yawn. 'I'm tired from all that running.' I grab Naruto-kun's hand and walk with him behind me. We eventually make ito back to where we've met the last two mornings. We go our different ways after that.

"Welcome back." Hatake-san strictly greets me. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stay out so late." I bite my lip and stare at a wall. "Go take a bath and eat dinner." He sighs. I obediently nod and do what he says. "So where were you?" He asks me with his arms crossed. "With a friend. We were in a forest playing around..." I answer him. "That Naruto kid?" He continues. "Yes, I- I told him I couldn't be out late, but..." I trail off, the thought of the bullies making me grimace.

"But what?" His strict tone snaps me out of the scary memory. "Some kids older than us stared to bully Naruto-kun. We ran back into the forest, so it took us a while to get back..." I grip the bottom of my nightdress. It stays quiet for a long time, but Hatake-san sighs loudly and stands up. "Be careful okay? Tell me if you're gonna stay out too. I thought something bad happened to you." He tells me.

"Okay." I respond. "I'll be in my room, don't stay up too late, I mean it this time." He tells me, and I nod. I go to my room and lay in the futon Oji-san got for me. It doesn't take me long to fall asleep.

~T.S to when she's nine~

"Congratulations!" The group of people cheered. Today is the day I arrived here. I smile at the people who cheered for the minor occasion. Oji-san's on my left while Otou-san's on my right, although he's hiding. Naruto, being the extrovert he is, is right in the spotlight. "Man, four years huh? Time really does fly by!" He shouts with a grin. "Naruto! Don't stand on the table in front of Hokage-sama!" Iruka-Sensei scolds him.

"They never change, even on a day like this." I laugh at their usual behavior. Itachi's on a mission, so he's not able to be here. Sasuke on the other hand is here, but he's stuck with girls from our class. Many people are here, most of which I've not acquainted myself with. I don't talk with many people, especially the grey ones. I can see color almost everywhere now, the exception are grey people.

I remember when I saw my own colors for the first time, I even cried. Naruto and Sasuke panicked when I did. We were all playing near the forest and water, and I was extremely happy at the time. I was enjoying myself, and I looked into the water at some point. I saw my silver hair, my grey eyes, the little black dot next tk one of them, and the outfit I was wearing. I thought my eyes were deceiving me, so when I saw myself in the mirror in the bathroom, I broke down in tears. I was so overwhelmed that I exited the toilet and rejoined the two boys only to cry even more. They were at a loss of what to do, and they took me home to Otou-san where he comforted me until I fell asleep. Ever since that time around two years ago, almost my whole world has been colorful.

I also remember the first time I saw the prettiest picture. I was with Sasuke and Itachi, they were sparring against each other. It was my first time over Sasuke's house, so I was watching them carefully. They had been throwing kunai's and dodging each other until they both jumped towards each other. It was like time froze, it was so beautiful. I was completely mesmerized by the scene. I accidentally let out a "Pretty..." To say the least, they stopped moving to look at me in confusion. I flushed with embarrassment and hid my face.

Another shocking time I had was when I saw Naruto getting bullied again. I was utterly helpless, but I still screamed at them to stop. My eyes were screwed shut and my hands were balled into fist as I pressed my arms against my chest. "Ri... Rizuka!" Naruto gained my attention after a few seconds passed. I opened my eyes to see darkness. I couldn't see much, only blue inside the black void. I was scared, I couldn't see anything except for the blue. I could tell where everyone was based on the blue, and I could see that some of blue was floating around some people. "Your eyes... They're different..." Naruto muttered at me. I relaxed, knowing Naruto was okay. Everything in the air fell, my eyesight came back, and the bullies ran. I consulted Otou-san about what happened, and the people who know, excluding Naruto, think it's a Kekkei Genkai or something like that. We don't know how mine works quite yet, but we're still trying to figure it out.

~T.S to Uchiha Massacre~

"Itachi-kun, why?" I ask him while Sasuke is frozen with many emotions. He doesn't answer me as I stand next to Sasuke, holding his hand. His parents are dead, right in front of us, completely lifeless. Itachi's acting weird, he's always been happy when we're around, but his colors are muddled. They've never been muddled before, so there has to be something wrong if he's like this.

Suddenly Itachi's in front of me. I don't get it, but I think, no... I know he's conflicted. I can feel my Kekkei Genkai kick in, so I force him to my height. Itachi's unaware of my ability, so I can take him by surprise, be it only a few seconds. I tilt my head slightly and smile softly at him. I kiss his cheek and whisper, "Don't worry. I'll never stop believing in you, even if everyone calls you a traitor, even if Sasuke hates you. You'll always be my Itachi-kun. I love you." Then it's blank.

-Love Kimi

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