Chapter IV

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Chapter Four: Complaints

~Rizuka's P.o.V~

I ate the whole cup of noodles, now I'm uncomfortably full. It's a miracle, it's been a long time since I've been full. To think I could get so full I want to throw up, how is it even possible? "Was it good?" Owner asks me, and I nod yes twice. "Come here." He stands up and signals me to the other room. I oblige and walk to him. My legs are numb and they start to tremble. "Ah, you should take a bath before you try these on." He says as I fall.

He catches me seconds before I hit the ground. "Are you okay?" He looks at me with his blank eyes. I nod yes and lean against the wall for support. He takes me to a different room and runs the water. He undresses me and sets me on a circular low seat. He pours a cup of water on me, and I relax from the warm feeling. He takes a bottle and pours a liquid into his hand. The cold liquid comes into contact with my body and he spreads it across my skin.

I let him do as he pleases, he's only cleaning me, and I don't mind that he's cleaning my naked body. It's just, warm water, I've only ever washed with cold water. And rarely at that. I watch a mix of grey stream off my body with the clear water. My body that was littered with grey glows white. It's been wiped of all grey, and now it's shining a white color with some darker spots that are healing scratches.

I don't have many scars, mom and dad kept me as sheltered as possible to protect me. The scratches I do have must be from the fall. The varying patches of black and grey, are bruises littered across my skin, they aren't scratches because scratches go in a line. I savor the feeling of warm water on my skin as he pours more to wash the slimy liquid off. It must be soap, I usually used a bar of it, so I didn't recognize it at first.

I watch him grab the white towel and wrap it around me. He starts to dry the water off of me and wraps the towel around my shoulder. He places my drying hair on top of the towel and takes me back to previous room. He pulls out clothes from a bad and puts it on me, taking away the towel. It looked like mom's favorite clothing, a dress. "We'll put the other two on tomorrow, let's sleep for now. Do you mind if we share the bed?" He asks me. 'Bed?' I shake my head no, and he sets me on a soft and bouncy thing.

I'm next to the wall while he's beside me. 'Is this what they call a bed?' I ask myself while running my hands down on the things that feel like clothing. I realize it's a big blanket. It's not the slightly itchy one mom made for us to keep warm. I slide under the blanket and face the wall on my side. It feels weird against my skin, but it's a good weird, it's comfortable and warm. The pillow isn't mom's skinny arms, it's a fluffy rectangular piece of clothing. I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep in the warm bed. I wish mom and dad could sleep in one with me.

~T.S. to Wake up~

"It's time to get up." Someone shakes me. I open my eyes to see color before it returns to normal. I caught a glimpse of his eyes, they were pretty, but why doesn't his colors show up for me? It must be because he's empty. "Let's get you changed." He helps me out of the bed and slips off the flowing dress. He takes out a different outfit and puts it on me. "What do you think?" He asks me.

"It's comfortable and warm, I like it." I stare at the pattern and design of the outfit. It consist of a sleeved shirt, shorts, and sandals that reach past my ankles. Owner takes out a brush that isn't broken or losing its bristles. He gently brushes through my now whitish grey hair. He leaves it down at my shoulders and takes me down a familiar path. 'We must be going back to Oji-san's.' I walk beside Owner.

"Norio, how is she?" Oji-san asks. "She's a quite one, but she doesn't cause me trouble, Hokage-sama." He answers. 'Hokage-sama? So Oji-san is the Hokage, and he got me these clothes?' I marvel at the colorful Hokage. "Thank you for the clothes, Oji-san." I press my lips together and drop my eyes to the desk he's sitting behind. "Did she take a bath Norio?" He glances over my figure. "Yes, I gave her one before she put on the nightgown." Owner confirms.

"She looks like she's shining, compared to yesterday, I wouldn't even guess they were the same person if she wasn't with you." He turns his gaze back to me. "Do you like your new clothes?" He asks me. "Yes, I do. They fit comfortably." I bite my bottom lip out of shyness. "Good, now do you have any complaints about Norio?" He rests his chin on his hand. "No." I immediately respond. Some of his actions were questionable, but he wasn't doing anything wrong. "Are you sure?" He tries to confirm from me.

"I guess I have one..." I say. "And what's that?" He asks me while Owner looks mortified for a second. "He's... Empty..." I nervously look away from them both. "Empty?" Oji-san repeats. "Yes, he's empty. He's blank, there's nothing there. He's only being nice to me because you ordered it Oji-san. I don't like him, but if you want me to stay with him, that's fine with me. He just... scares me." I hesitate saying something scares me. I don't even know if I'm using the word scared right.

-Love Kimi

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