Chapter X

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Chapter 10: Pranks and Graduation

Rizuka's P.o.V

"Bye Otou-san!" I run out of the home, I manage to hear him say "Bye Rizuka!" before I disappear down the pathway. 'Hm, Naruto isn't yelling my name, he must be pulling a prank today.' I hum to myself. I take my usual seat in the classroom and open a book. I ignore all of the fangirls who envy me and the fanboys who blush at me.

'Ah, those two again.' I hear the thundering footsteps of Ino and Sakura in the hallway. The door swings open shortly after, and their arguing can be heard. It dies down quickly, and they take their seats. Iruka-Sensei hasn't shown up, so I'm positive Naruto's pulled another prank. The buzzing chatter of the classroom continues until Iruka-Sensei brings a tied up Naruto again.

"Everyone! Because of Naruto here, we'll be reviewing the transformation jutsu. Line up now class." Iruka-Sensei orders while most students groan in annoyance. I stand next to Naruto and wait my turn. I don't pay much attention to those in front of me, instead I look over Naruto to see if he's injured this time. "Jeez I'm not hurt!" He pouts at me. I sigh and decide to trust him.

"Rizuka." Iruka-Sensei calls on me, seeing as I'm next in line. I quickly sign for the jutsu and transform into Iruka-Sensei. "Good." He says, and I release the physical facade. Naruto's turn comes up, and I have a feeling I know what he's going to do. He does exactly what I thought he would do. After the classes' freak out, Iruka-Sensei continues with the review.

I sit in between Naruto and Sasuke while paying attention to class. I'm still pretty familiar to the things Iruka-Sensei teaches because I've read many books about his lessons. Naruto and I still hold hands, but he's been more reluctant to do so. I think it's because he has a crush on Sakura. I wish he would still hold my hand, but I won't make him if he doesn't want to.

Sasuke's a different story... Ever since Itachi killed the Uchiha Clan, Sasuke distanced himself from everyone, even Naruto and I. He's stopped walking to school with us, holding my hand, hanging out after school, and bringing me to his home for sleepovers. He got cold and rude, so very unlike the Sasuke I knew. He rarely ever talks to me, but he talks to Naruto, only to feed into their negative relationship. Naruto and Sasuke always fight now, it's not even healthy like before with their play fights. Sasuke belittles and battles with Naruto just because he can. I don't like it.

"Naruto... Why'd you paint the Hokage's faces?" I sigh outloud when I finally see his prank's aftermath. I now understand why we couldn't go home together. I continue to walk to the house by myself. "Otou-san~... Hm?" I call out for my father, but I get no response. It's not out of the ordinary for him to be gone, so I carry on with my responsibilities. I clean up the kitchen and make dinner. After eating and preparing Otou-san's dinner, I get in the bath. "I love you, Otou-san." I whisper my nightly words before falling asleep.

~T.S to morning~

"Morning Otou-san." I greet him when I exit my room. I sit down and eat the breakfast he made, and I gather my things to leave. "Bye Otou-san!" I kiss his cheek and take off. "Good luck!" I hear him say before I make it down the stairs. With a giggle, I run to the school. "Rizu-chan!" Naruto yells from behind me. "Naru-kun!" I laugh while keeping my fast pace up. We arrive at the school and bolt to our classroom.

"Naruto, what do you think the test will be?" I ask him. "I just hope it's not the clone jutsu." His worried face makes me laugh. "I bet you'll do great Naru-kun!" I smile at him, then I hear the same thundering footsteps that appear almost every morning. Ino and Sakura fight over who will go through the door first, they eventually give up and sit in their seats when Iruka-Sensei shows up.

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