Chapter II

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Chapter Two: Tears

~Rizuka's P.o.V~

Something touches my head, and I look up to see Itachi staring at me. "Mom's not sad, so why am I crying?" I ask him. The only time I remember crying is when dad passed away without mom, I'd almost forgotten the clear, salty, liquid, it's been so long. Mom looked like she was really hurting, so I let it out for her. She told me not to, said he was in a better place, and that we should stay happy for him. I'm not crying because mom is sad, so why is it still falling? I don't think I'm sad, so why?

"People can cry when they're happy, scared, or mad. People can cry no matter what emotion they're feeling." Itachi pats my head. "Scared? Am I scared? I don't like it..." I whimper, more so to myself. The warm drops slow down but now it's hard to breathe through my nose. "How old are you?" The other person asks me. "Six, I'll be Seven..." I take a few seconds to remember, "Au-August 30th." I answer his question, and his eyes widen.

"Itachi can you take her to see the Hokage?" The person asks. 'Hokage?' I tense up when Itachi leads me to enter the place. I clasp my hands together and follow him with my head down, my nose making a weird noise as I try to breath. Itachi suddenly stops, causing me to bump my forehead on his back. He turns around and wipes my face with a soft piece of paper. He throws it away into a trash can and starts to walk again.

I could breathe through my nose and smell again. I notice the place doesn't stink, not like where me, mom, and dad lived. This place was cleaner, and it smelled like nothing, which was better than my old living area that smelled horrible. There was a sweet smell that stood out. If I was hungry, it would hurt my stomach and make my mouth water, but I'm not hungry yet. For some reason my stomach still wants to eat it, it doesn't make sense, I'm not hungry so why do I want to eat? You should only eat when you're really hungry, my stomach is being a bad girl.

The floor changes in shape and pattern, so I look up briefly to see we're now in a building. We walk up some stairs then down hallways. Itachi stops at a door and knocks. I enter the large, open room with him and stand behind him. He reports on his mission, and I only pay attention to the terms I'm unfamiliar with. "This six year old girl was found wandering outside of the gate." Itachi moves to the side, and I look at the people in the room.

They all look serious, and they don't seem to have the same comforting feeling I get from Itachi. I quickly look away from them and reach for Itachi's sleeve. I feel a stinging sensation at my eyes as I tug his sleeve. "Ah, she's going to cry again." Itachi's monotone voice says. His hand rests on my head again, and I sniffle. "What is your name, little one?" The man in the middle asks me.

"Rizuka Kyoyin." I answer him, believing I'll get in trouble if I don't. Hokage is probably a word for a leader, so I shouldn't mess up and get too nervous to answer the questions. "Which Village did you come from?" He asks another. 'Village? Oh no, what should I say? Where was I born again? Was it a village?' I panic. "I don't know." I blurt out, and it gets really quiet. "Then, where are your parents?" Another question is asked after a brief silence.

"They died." I answer. The male starts talking with different people while I stick close to Itachi. He really did remind me of mom and dad, except he was more serious. Everyone else was scary, I think...? I don't really get what scary is, but I think that's what these people are. Itachi guides me to a different room and has me sit in a chair. "Wait here." He says and leaves. I patiently stay in the seat with my eyes closed. It made me feel more comfortable than anxiously having my eyes dart around the dark room.

The door opens, so I open my eyes. I tense up when it's not Itachi. It's a different person and the middle man from before. This person has his hair in a ponytail. I shift in my seat and hold my hands together between my thighs. Itachi probably left to get back to his squad or family. "This is Inoichi Yamanaka, he's going to look into your memories, is that fine?" The older looking man introduces the ponytail one.

The precious and colorful memories I have of my mom and dad are going to be shared with this stranger just so they can trust me? It's not like I wanted to enter this place, I tried to run away, and yet I have to give up my memories for their trust, what do I get back in exchange? Everything has been taken from me, so what can you give me in return for taking the last thing I have for myself. If you can, will you let me go to where mom and dad are, or will you bring them here?

My eyesight blurs as I nod in helplessness. I know they won't let me leave, they don't seem like the type that would. I continue to stare at the ground as a tear falls from my nose to my lips. I've noticed that there are weapon stores around and a lot of people are dressed weirdly. I don't want to hurt anymore, so I'll agree to this. Just leave me alone after, I beg you. I want to sleep forever like mom and dad, so let me.

I see two feet enter my blurred vision. I don't pay attention to what they do, I don't want to. I do however notice when my mind goes blank. There's nothing. It's not dark, it's not light. It's not warm, it's not cold. There's just a blank period of nothing. Is this what they mean by checking my memories?

-Love Kimi

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