Chapter XIV

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Chaper 14: The Chuunin Exams; 1

Rizuka's P.o.V.


"When'd you meet them?" I ask Naruto while looking at the three kids over his shoulder. "Uhhhhh Before one of our missions?" He responds. "Heh~ They seem to admire you!" I laugh and watch them converse. I slowly lose interest until I see Naruto fly by my face. "Hm...?" I hum while registering what happened.

'Well Sakura's pissed...' I watch her chase Konohamaru. Of course I know him, I saw him multiple times when I visited Oji-san, but I never really talked to him. "That broad-headed ugly wench! Is she even a real girl?" Konohamaru complains, and Sakura stops walking. 'That was a death sentence.' I sweatdrop as she chases them.

"Ah, there are some new guests I see..." I mutter and jump to the tree above them. I stare down at the new people. 'Sand Village?' I look at their forehead protectors. 'He kinda pisses me off...' I glare at the clown faced asshole. "Hm?" I watch him use chakra strings to trip up Naruto. "Heh, two can play that game." I mumble. "You're ticking me off." Clown face says.

"I could say the same to you." I reveal my position and land in front of him. He tries to secretly attach chakra strings to me, and I let him. 'That was mistake number one.' I tell him.. well in my head I do. I stop his movements and get Konohamaru out of his hold. "Thank you for being so cooperative." I smile at him.

I sense Sasuke near us, so I let the clown move again. He goes to punch me, but Sasuke throws a rock at his hand. His attention is diverted to Sasuke, so I watch what he's gonna do next. I flinch when I feel another presence makes itself known, a strong one. 'He's...' I look up at the person who's speaking. 'Gaara?' I stare at the boy.

I see him use sand to get to the ground. 'He's... Interesting...' I curiously continue to watch him. Sasuke jumps down and asks for his name. "I'm Gaara of the desert. You interest me as well. What's your name?" Gaara returns the question. "Sasuke Uchiha." Sasuke responds. Gaara looks at me for a moment as if he's curious about me.

Naruto jumps into the conversation and makes them run off. I slip away from the group when I realize he's waiting not to far away from us. "Where's the clown and that blonde girl?" I ask him. He gives me an analyzing look before speaking. "What's your name?" "I'm Rizuka." I smile at him while sticking my hand out.

He hesitates on shaking my hand but still does so. "You're smart." I say before deciding to go home. 'To think he saw me stop clown from moving once and is already very skeptical of me. Really how interesting, thanks for the chakra anyways... Gaara the Jinchuriki.' I think as I walk to my apartment.

Yes, my apartment, Otou-san said it would arise less suspicion to have us live in different places; hence, my new home. I receive Otou-san's order to go to a meeting spot in the morning. I sigh and lay in my bed.


"Chuunin Exams huh?" I stare at the card. "Are you gonna do it?" Otou-san looks at me. "Why not? I just hope the others are fine, that is, if they all go. Will you let me go?" I look at him. "I don't see the problem, just don't up and die on me." He jokes. "I won't die that easily, but I'll be careful. I promise." I smile and leave him to take a walk. "Hm?" I see Naruto walking towards me. "Naruto?" I voice, and he grins, running up to me.

"Ne ne, lets fight!" He says. "Again?" I deadpan and sigh. We walk to our "usual" sparring area, but someone decides to show up. Naruto gets angry at the shady character and runs at him. I watch the show and enjoy my invisible popcorn. After Naruto "dies" I start clapping. "That was an amazing performance Iruka-sensei!" I giggle.

"Who?" He tries to play it off. "Ah, I should probably be getting ready for bed. Goodbye Iruka-sensei's illusion!" I wave and run to my apartment. 'I guess that was interesting to see.' I chuckle on my way home.

~Too many timeskips Istg~

I enter the Academy, without the others, Otou-san's probably already told them I won't be in their group or something. Either way, they know I'm not going with them, but they probably think I'm not doing the Exam in general. 'I wonder when they'll make it here.' I sigh while sitting in a seat next to my team for the Exams. "So you're my teammates huh?" I look at the two, one has silver hair the other has his face covered up. The silver haired guy tries to start up a conversation with me.

'That chick gives me the creeps... and this guy... he seems super shady, and he's annoying as fuck.' I glance at a girl who grins at me then back at the talkative boy and his teammate. Oji-san said I would join them for this Exams because they can only be taken in groups of three. 'Hopefully Naruto makes it...' I hold my legs up to my chest and wait. The guy named Kabuto eventually leaves to greet the other nine rookies who are being rowdy. 'Thank god they haven't seen me...' I grunt and watch them from my seat.

I flinch and stare at Naruto in shock when he starts to yell. I watch them carefully and click my tongue when some others decide to take action. I watch Kabuto throw up because of the attack. I lazily look at the the Proctor when he shows up. 'All this chakra is fucking annoying.' I huff and put my legs onto the ground. A paper is placed in front of me, and we wait for the test to start.

I listen to his rules with a lazy manner, but I still pay close attention to them. 'So in other words, don't get caught cheating, and don't fail.' I flip the paper around and look over the questions. 'Naruto will have trouble with these, actually... I bet the majority here will.' I stare at them. 'I'm glad books are my hobby...' I wait for a certain someone to realize the reason behind the test.

'They're idiots for placing me in front of Sasuke.' I spike Sasuke's chakra, so his hand starts to write on his paper in a question box. >Use it on me, in ten seconds.< I have him write. I count down the time and then start writing the answers. 'Although this test probably doesn't really matter. Oh well...' I finish up on the last question.

I could help Naruto, but, knowing him, he would freak out as soon as I take over his movements. That would completely give us away unlike Sasuke's calm demeanor, be would see what's happening and then make a decision after the fact, even if he's freaking out on the inside. I rest my head on the desk and rest up. 'I hate life as of right now. Two Jinchuriki, what feels like millions of watchers, and multiple students all in the same room is too much chakra for me to handle. I feel like passing out...' I groggily look at the First Proctor.

'You wanna know something Mr. Proctor. I could care less right now. I honestly just want to go home.' I listen to him talk. 'Well that's rude.' I glance around the room to catch the expressions of other people. 'Hm?' I look at Naruto's raised hand. I jump when he slams it down on the desk. He gives us a motivational speech, but it's more of a declaration of what he feels rather than something meant for us.

I accidentally let out a laugh and the people around me look at me weirdly. Soon Mr. Proctor announces that we've passed. 'Heh~ So there were people to cheat from? Too bad, I didn't have to cheat. It might've been fun to though...' I unwillingly listen to the Proctor. The information he's telling us might or might not be useful somewhere in life.

"Hm?" I stare at the woman who bursts through the window. 'Well why not? I do feel lazy, let me wake up my body a little.' "Yeah!" I raise my arm and shout with the woman. 'Hm, not bad.' I can feel the stares. "That's the spirit!" She cheers. "Well, it would've been more embarrassing if you were alone." I respond coolly and sit back down. She dismisses us, and I exit the place. "Ugh. That was horrible." I groan.

"You were at the Exams the whole time!?" Naruto asks me in a loud voice. "Yes." I sigh. "You're in a different team, Why?" Sasuke asks me. "Because you can only have three to a team for the Chuunin Exams. I am the oldest student in our class, and, on top of that, I'm the top Konoichi, so I was chosen to join a random team and take the Exams. I'm just on your team because I'm closer to you guys than I am with the other teams." I huff and walk away from them.

-Love Kimi

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