Chapter XX

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Chapter 20: Kidnapped

Rizuka's P.o.V

"Ne Rizuka, I've been meaning to ask, what's with the dog?" Naruto peers at Kyuubi while we travel with Jiraiya-san. "I'm also curious, it seems like it has the same chakra as you." Jiraiya-san glances at Kyuubi. "This is my cute trainer!" I tease Kyuubi as I pick him up. "Trainer?" They both look at me while Kyuubi presses his paws against my face.

"Yeah, Jiraiya-san, you may not be aware, so I'll explain. I have a Kekkei Genkai that specializes in chakra. O- The Third Hokage-sama gave it the name Reikigan. The only abilities I'm aware of is; feeling and tracking chakra, absorbing chakra, manipulating chakra, using my chakra to heal or manipulate things, and giving my chakra for others to use. I may have missed somethings, but that's all I can really remember as of right now. This guy right here is actually the Nine Tails, but I've limited the amount of chakra he can own right now, so he's practically harmless. Any chakra he tries to absorb will automatically be taken by the chakra I've put on him and will be sent to the reserve I have in my body. It will mix with the dormant chakra he currently owns in my body. If I see him as a threat, I'll send him back to Naruto's body, so he can be suppressed by the seal. I have pretty good control over him right now, and we have a deal anyways. Who would imagine what would happen if he broke it." I explain.

"Wait so this little fox is the Nine Tailed Fox?" Jiraiya-san blinks a few times in disbelief. "Yeah, you got a problem with that?" Kyuubi huffs while sitting on my shoulder for a better view. "That's a scary Kekkei Genkai." Jiraiya-san whistles after gathering himself. We continue to walk as I feel around for chakras after Jiraiya-san asked me to.

"Hm?" I look back when I feel a very faint chakra. I can't see from this distance, but I feel the faint wavering of chakra. "Jiraiya-san... We're being tracked by someone. One... maybe two people... They're too far for me to tell, but they're behind us. They don't seem to be initiating a fight even after finding us stranded here." I tell him. "I see... keep track of their whereabouts if you can." He squints his eyes. "Of course." I respond.


"Really..?" I ask the two as they get lured in by a women. "Men..." Kyuubi mutters from my arms. "Aren't you also one?" I ask him. "Human men..." He changes his words. "Well, go back for now, I have a bad feeling..." I tell Kyuubi, and he obliges. Naruto and I walk to our room, and he gets to training. Someone starts knocking at our door, and I think nothing of it.

'Wait..!' "Naruto don't-" I try to tell him not to, but it's too late. "Naruto..." I grab his hand and think of how to save him. We slowly exit the room and stand in front of them. "Don't!" I stand in front of Naruto, but Kisame continues to advance. Sasuke shows up and targets Itachi, but he's easily stopped. "Naruto you need to run!" I try make him leave. He doesn't listen, he never does.

Naruto starts channeling Kyuubi's chakra, but he pauses momentarily because of Sasuke's scream and gets stopped as well. 'Once again. I'm completely useless. What can I do? How do I save them?' I bite my lip and prepare to sacrifice my life to get Naruto and Sasuke away. Before I can react Jiraiya-san shows up. 'I'll take this time to build up my chakra.'

"Naruto!" I jump in front of Kisame and stop his movements for Naruto. "What?!" Kisame looks at me in surprise. "I can't have to taking him after all." I say with my eyes closed. 'That sword, it's filled with chakra.' I mutter to myself when I see the enormous amount of chakra inside the weapon. Jiraiya-san's jutsu helps me out tremendously.

"Kisame grab her and follow me." Itachi says. "What?! Are you saying?" Jiraiya-san voices in shock. 'I'm also one of their targets?' I yelp when Kisame breaks the control I had over him and thrusts his sword at my stomach. He grabs me by the back of my clothes and quickly follows Itachi. "Let me go..." I try to struggle, but it's useless, I got careless and the the stupid sword take my chakra. "Just shut up and go to sleep!" Kisame hisses and knocks me out.


I open my eyes to an area I'm not familiar with. "You got the girl?" A voice asks. "Yes, however, we failed to get Naruto." Itachi answers. "It doesn't matter, with her we can gather the Jinchuriki easier. See to her training, Itachi." The voice says and leaves. "Why have you kidnapped me, it's unlikely that I'll oblige to what you want." I say. "You will believe me." He says.

"To use those words after kidnapping me, that's a low blow Itachi. Yes, I'll probably find it easier to go along with your plans if I want even a sliver of a chance to escape. Of course, you all probably know this, don't you?" I sigh. "So it's true! The girl really can feel chakra." An enthusiastic voice says. "To blindfold me, are you trying to make me use it?" I ask, not giving them any more specific information they may not have on me.

"Just answer my question. Will you join the Akatsuki or die?" Someone asks me, they must be the leader out of who's here. 'I don't want to die, but if I join I'll be a traitor. Just what will I have to do if I join? Should I just die here? I won't be able to escape, and if I try, they'll kill me. I have to be cooperative if I want to live. But maybe I should die, so I can die an ally. What should I choose?' Millions of thoughts go through my head until I make my decision.

"I'll join."

Whew! I actually finished my first book! This is honestly a surprise to me! I believe there will be three parts to this Series in total, but I'm not 100% sure yet because I've just finished this one! My first actual book... Well I'll go get started on the second book now! Bye lovelies! ♡♡♡

-Love Kimi

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