Chapter III

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Chapter Three: Taste

~Rizuka's P.o.V~

I see the grey colors of the room again after who knows how long. The other two people leave the area while I recollect myself. They return after a few mintues. "Are you a spy?" The middle man blurts, his face looks slightly frustrated. "Spy? What's a spy?" I ask him. "A person working for a different nation or employer to obtain information from the target." He explains it without going into detail.

"I've only ever talked with my Mom and Dad before waking up in the forest, and they're dead now. I don't even know what this place is, so I don't think I'm a so called spy. Don't you know because of my memories?" I answer him. "No, the ones before your fall are completely blocked off. Now, how did you survive falling from such a high distance. You've only got scratches and bruises, nothing looks broken." He looks over my showing skin carefully. I tilt my head and blankly stare back at him.

"That wasn't a dream?" I mutter, the colors of the sky wasn't a dream, it was real? I want to see it again, but I probably won't. "Dream?" His intrest is peaked. "Yes. A dream, a nice dream before you sleep forever." I breathe softly. "That would be nice." The man smiles. "Say, would you like to join the ninja academy?" He asks me. "What's a ninja academy?" I ask him. "It's like school, but it's for ninjas." He grins.

"School? That's where you learn about things and make friends, right?" I keep my eye contact with him. "It is." He nods. "I want to. I- I want. Mom and Dad wanted me to make friends with kids around my age. They left before they could get me into one." I hop off the chair. "Can I go to school to learn and make friends please?" I stand in front of him and shyly ask for his permission. "Call me Oji-san, and of course you can!" He pats my head. His colors flourish at the sentence. It's so elegant the way it blossoms, the colors of the once grey man turned to a mature scenery.

"Oh-Oji-san?" I let the odd name roll over my tongue. I never met my real grandparents, so it was weird to call this stranger by that name. He took me back to the bigger room and random people appeared. "Cool..." I mumbled at the white haired man. He doesn't seem like he has much presence, but his colors are unique and cool. "Norio, she'll be under your care, make sure she stays safe." Oji-san says.

The bland male walks up to me and leads me out of the building. "Are you hungry?" He asks me, so I nod no. I don't like him, he's not mean but he's not truly nice. It's a facade, he's empty, there's nothing to him. That's... scary. I walk slightly behind him, keeping me in his line of sight, but letting me follow him at our slow pace. He stops at a building and takes me to a room. "Stay right here, I'll be back." He has me sit in a chair.

I look around the room from my seat. It's a normal and plain room. There are some appliances, a picture frame, a table with two chairs against a window. I can see into the second half of the room only a little bit. Overall it's a really clean house for someone who alone, it's like he hasn't actually been living here. I turn my head to look out of the window. I can see grey people walk about the streets, there are many buildings around my view of things.

I catch sight of colors far away on top of a building. It's the white haired man, he's holding something in his hand. It's like he knows I'm staring at him when he closes the book and turns his head in my direction. On a whim, I wave my hand while hiding my face behind the wall. His colors really are cool. I drop my hand and look back out, but he's gone, now there are no colors in sight. I continue to watch the grey scenes until they turn darker and darker to meet the darkest color, that means it's nighttime.

I watch and watch until the black shadows of people are so scarce that it's pointless to watch anymore. I hear the door open, so I turn my head to it as the owner enters the house. He goes into the other room, and I patiently wait in the chair. My bum is kind of numb, but I'll be fine. The man eventually returns to my eyes, it's hard to see him when he matches the room. The light from the window is what helps me see him.

He doesn't move from his position. Is there something wrong? "Have you eaten?" He asks me, finally moving from his place. I nod my head no. "Seriously? It's been nine hours." He opens the cupboard and pulls out a circular object. 'Ramen? Isn't that food? I've never seen it like that.' I stare at the text in the cups. I carefully watch the person's actions. I'm unsure how long it takes him, but he sets the cup in front of me with chopsticks.

"Eat." Is all he says. I'm not hungry, why should I eat? This should be saved until we get hungry, if you're hungry then eat. I'm not hungry yet, I don't need it yet. "Are you hungry?" I ask softly. "Hm? No, I ate somewhere else." He says, it doesn't look like he's lying. He's healthy and strong, he has money, is it true? He's really not hungry, and he's giving this to me even though I'm not hungry.

"After you're done, I have a few outfits for you to try on. Courtesy of the Hokage." He sighs. I take the chopsticks and break them apart. They haven't been used, why? Why is he letting me use fresh ones, we need to save them until the old ones can't be used anymore. I take the noodles and eat them. It's good, it's warm, it's tastes incredible. I like it, it's not cold or soggy, it's not even the crunchy ones I had to eat a few times. I wish mom and dad could taste it.

-Love Kimi

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