Chapter XVIII

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Chapter 18: Shukaku and Finals

Rizuka's P.o.V

"Hm?" I mumble as I wake up. 'Am I in the hospital..?' I take in my surroundings. "You're finally awake..." I hear someone sigh. "Shikamaru-kun..?" I register the face. "Yeah, jeez you and Naruto both ending up in the hospital, how troublesome." He grumbles. "Hm? It's clogged up? What a drag." He glances at the hourglass. Naruto suddenly wakes up, and Shikamaru-kun greets him.

Naruto starts going on a verbal rampage after hearing how long we've been sleeping. 'I guess I'll leave. I hope they don't mind... Plus, I think something fishy's happening.' I start walking to the lobby. 'Wait is that..!' "Naruto, Shikamaru!" I sharply turn around and scream for the two. "It's Gaara, he's-" I manage to say before they react. They quickly spring into action after I tell them his location.

I follow them and watch their interactions. 'Shikamaru-kun, that's a bold move. Will it pay off?' I confidently hold a relaxed front to help Shikamaru-kun's bluff. "A monster huh? I also have one in me, and it's just like you said. I had a terrible upbringing. When I entered this world, I took the life of the one people would call my mother. So that I could become the strongest Shinobi, my father used his ninjutsu on me, and I became possessed by a Sand Spirit. I was born a monster." Gaara basically starts telling us his life story.

"It's called Shukaku, the living wrath of an old monk from the Village Hidden in the Sand who was sealed inside the tea cauldron." He explains the monster inside him. I listen to them go back and forth. 'Ah... Naruto must know what that feels like...' I feel my eyes tear up. 'The loneliness of someone not caring for you, the feeling of wanting to be recognized. I don't understand it like them... It must be hard, yet Naruto... he... He's always so strong and... Happy.'

I see the sand start to move, and I hide Naruto behind me. 'He's probably in shock.' I bite my lip and look for the way out. I have to protect the people in here without anyone dying. Then everything is interrupted by a person I don't recognize. Gaara holds his head like he's in immense pain. I unintentionally rush to hug him. "Ah, how annoying." I laugh as the sand threatens to stab me if I move.

"Rizuka?!" A hear multiple shouts as I'm stuck hugging the lonely boy. I relax and pour some of my chakra into the sand, it should disrupt it enough for me to back away. "I apologize, my body acted on its own." I let go of him and watch him walk away after he gathers the sand. 'I feel... weird. What do I call this, angsty..?' I sigh and decide to leave the hospital.

"Hey..." I stand in front of Gaara. "Aren't you afraid I'll kill you?" He glares at me. "I wouldn't be pleased if you did, but I want to apologize for hugging you like that. I was out of line." I sigh and sit next to him. "Shukaku is it?" I ask after a brief silence. "Yes." He responds. "Is he mean, does he hurt you?" I look at Gaara. "He's hard to control." Gaara says.

"I see... say... Can we... y'know... hold hands..?" I try to initiate skin to skin contact with the boy, but it's an awkward request. "Why?" He asks. "Um... You probably have a hunch, but I can control chakra... I was thinking maybe I could help you with Shukaku, I just need to take some of his chakra..." I reveal the truth to him. The silence after I say that is grueling.

He eventually sets his hand in mine, and I get to work. I flinch when I start absorbing the chakra. 'Oi kid, what's with you adding another guy? Especially that guy?' Kyuubi complains as the Tailed Beast in Gaara starts to manifest in my reserve. "Are you done yet?" Gaara impatiently asks. "Almost." I sigh as I take more, Gaara will still have plenty left over. "There, I'll start processing his chakra now, thank you. I'm sorry for inconveniencing you." I stand up and get ready to leave.

"How can I really trust you?" He asks me. "You don't need to trust me or believe me, I'll do what I say I will. I won't prove myself to you. Just don't lose control tomorrow, it'll be a full moon right?" I say, hinting that I know Shukaku's blood lust is strongest on full moons. 'Thank you for telling me that.' I thank Kyuubi for the information. Gaara's eyes widen, and I leave.

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