Chapter VII

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Chapter Seven: First Day of School

Rizuka's P.o.V

The students were all staring at me and Naruto-kun because of our outbursts. I inched closer to Naruto-kun, so close that I was practically wrapped around his arm. I was a little bit shorter than him, so he somewhat shielded my body. I may be two years older than everyone in the classroom, but I'm still quite short. The classroom is really colorful, I can see almost everyone's colors. It's very mesmerizing to see. Sensei sighs and then smiles at me.

"Would you like to introduce yourself? I'm Iruka Umino, but call me Iruka-Sensei." I cling onto Naruto-kun and look at the ground. "Everyone, this is Rizuka Kyoyin!" Naruto-kun pulls me out from behind him using his right hand, yes the hand that is holding my left one. I freeze in place when he does, I can hear many whispers circulating around me soon after. "Any questions?" Sensei asks the class, he's starting to look fed up.

I can see multiple hands shoot upward. "Sakura?" Sensei calls on someone. I move back to Naruto-kun's side as a pink haired person stands up. "How old are you?" She asks me with a smile, she has a pretty smile. "I'm six." I whisper, but they probably can't hear me. "She's six!" Naruto-kun repeats in my place. "Ino?" Sensei calls on another one. This time a blonde person stands up. "Why are you so pretty?!" She gushes at me.

I stay silent at this. "Um..?" I finally managed to gain my voice. "She doesn't have a response." Naruto-kun says in my place. Sensei continues to call on kids until they're satisfied. "Well you may sit where you please, just find an empty seat. And everyone, just to clarify, Rizuka-chan is two years older than all of you, but she will be attending this class because Hokage-sama requested it for her." Iruka-Sensei explains to the class after telling me what to do. "I wanna sit with you Naruto." I whisper to him. He takes me to a row next to a raven haired person. He sits down, and I sit next to him, in between the two.

He looked adorable to say the least, but his colors are calmer than Naruto-kun's. Naruto seems a teensy bit jealous of him, but they seem kind of close. I continue to hold hands with Naruto-kun during class, I don't know why, it just seems natural. Even though I'm paying close attention, everything seems like gibberish, I can't seem to make sense out of it.

"Naruto-kun, I need to speak with Iruka-Sensei. Go on without me, I'll find my way home. Goodbye and be safe." I wave him goodbye and walk back into the school. "Iruka-Sensei?" I shyly hide behind the door after finding it. "Rizuka?" He looks at me. "Umm, I have a question." I hold my hands together in front of me. "What is it?" His soft tone puts me at ease. "Is there a library here or someplace where I can access books?" I ask him.

"Yes there is, would you like me to take you there?" He smiles me. "Yes please." I answer him. He places his things back on the desk and has me follow him. When we reach the library, I softly gasp at the variety of books. Mom and Dad owned many books, and I loved reading them. I never did care for the picture ones because they didn't have color unless Mom read it to me, so I always read the ones that had less pictures or no pictures.

I really enjoy books because they seem so colorful in my mind. That's why I love reading because I can imagine everything that happens in my mind. They're lovely things. "What do you need here?" Iruka-Sensei breaks my train of thoughts. "I couldn't understand what you were teaching, so I wanted to find books on it." I smile at him, I'm very excited to read these books.

"I see, well I'll find the books you need. Do you want to gather some of your own?" He asks me. "Can I?!" I almost shout. "Of course, get as many as you want." He laughs. I briefly hug him with a thank you before excitedly walking off to find some. I ran my finger along the titles of the books. "Ninjas, Chakra, Ninjas, Ninjas, Medicine, Ninjas, there are so many Ninja books." I mutter. I grabbed everything that had an interesting title along with some educational books.

"That's quite a lot of books you have there. Do you enjoy reading?" Iruka-Sensei ask me when I return to the place we entered from. I happily hum with a nod and a smile. He laughs at my antics and proceeds to check out the books for me. We return to the classroom, where I sit down and observe him as he carries out his daily duties. There were way too many books for me to carry to Hatake-san's house, so he said he would help me. I noticed he's very busy, so I told him I could wait.

I open a dictionary first and foremost. The language is similar to the Japanese I learned with Mom and Dad, but I've noticed some words that I don't quite understand. It would be best to read a dictionary for the foriegn words. I'm unsure how long I read before Iruka-Sensei shocks me back to reality. "Are you ready to go?" He asks me. "Yes, I apologize, I've learned so many new words from this!" I smile at him.

I walk next to him as he helps me carry the books to Hatake-san's house. "Up here." I bring him upstairs. "Hatake-san, can you unlock the door?" I look beside me at the man hiding in a tree. "Books?" He quietly questions while unlocking the door. Iruka-Sensei drops off the books and leaves after a small chat with Hatake-san. "That's a lot of books there..." Hatake-san glances at me.

"I like books." I give him a simple answer. I immediately whip out a book that is necessary for school and start reading. "What do you want for dinner?" Hatake-san asks me, knowing he won't get an answer. He still blindly hopes I'll say what I want. I think for a second but nothing comes to mind. Well, there was that one thing that smelled good, but I don't know what it was...

-Love Kimi

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