Chapter XI

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Chapter 11: Teams and Introductions

Rizuka's P.o.V

'Otou-san is out again.' I grab an apple from the kitchen and run to school. "Rizuka!" I stop running to look behind me. "Yes Iruka-Sensei?" I tilt my head. "The Hokage wishes to speak with you during lunch." He says. "Ah, I see. Thank you Sensei!" I thank him and continue to run towards the Academy.

"You're here already Naruto?" I glance at the boy and hear the thunderous footsteps once again. 'Just one day, I beg of you.' I sigh when the two girls burst through the door. They proceed to have a loud argument before Sakura rushes down to greet Sasuke. She pushes Naruto out of the way, and I grab his arm to make sure he doesn't get hurt by a magical concussion. Hey, anything's possible.

"Sasuke-kun can I sit next to you?" She asks with sparkling eyes. That single sentence made the fangirls go crazy. Naruto stands on the desk and crouches down to Sasuke's height. The fangirls start to angrily shout at Naruto for having a glaring contest with their Sasuke. "Narut-" I try to say his name but stop when Naruto is pushed forward. I watch in horror as the two boys kiss.

'Naruto's gonna die.' I freeze in my seat long enough for one girl to punch him. "Oi!" I shout loudly, causing the girls, and some other uninvolved people, to look at me. I glare at them and shield Naruto. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I ask the girl who hit him. "He kissed Sasuke-kun!" She yells back, getting in my face. "So that gives you the right to hit him? Wanna fucking go bitch?" I retort in a low tone.

I can feel the heavy atmosphere around us as she falls onto her knees. "Rizuka! I'm fine!" Naruto snaps at me. I come back to my senses and focus on Naruto. I brush my fingers over the bruising wound, and he winces. "You're not fine..." I mutter outloud. He grins at me and does his usual thing, reassuring me that if he wants to be Hokage, nothing will stop him.

I laugh and sit down with him. I notice that the bruise has already healed. Any wounds that Naruto has ever received have always healed quickly. I can also feel a strong presence within him every now and then, but I usually get so overwhelmed that I pass out or collapse on the floor until it's gone. It seems like no one else is sensitive to it like I am, so it might have something to do with my bloodline or Kekkei Genkai.

I watch Iruka-Sensei enter the classroom, as I sit on the edge of the bench, next to Naruto. Sakura just had to steal my usual seat. I listen to him announce the teams, and I wait until I hear Naruto's team, and maybe... just maybe... listen for Sasuke's. "Naruto Uzumaki. Sakura Haruno." A small cheer and a groan. "And Sasuke Uchiha." Another cheer and a groan. 'That team will become disastrous...'I sweatdrop as I wait for him to announce the rest of the groups. Lunchtime comes around, and I take off to meet Oji-san.

I see Otou-san idly standing at the entrance of the building. "Hatake-san?" I switch from Father to his real name. "Rizuka, I'm here to guide you." He says. I take the hint and walk beside him. "Hokage-sama, is there something wrong?" I ask him, wondering why there are so many ninja in the room. "With you in the Academy we have an odd number of students. We can't put more than three people in a team, and you're not only the oldest of them, but the top Kunoichi in your class, so I must ask you if you're okay being a solo unit." He tells me.

"I am." I respond. He sighs and looks at me. "I see, that's good. We will put you under Kakashi's care along with his team, but things like the Chuunin Exams will need to be taken without his team. I will have you placed into a different squad in the village. However, you are able to join them on their missions, and Kakashi will be your instructor. Good luck Rizuka." He tells me. "Thank you Hokage-sama!" I smile at him, overjoyed at the fact of Otou-san being my instructor. "Now you may go eat, you should have enough time." He dismisses me.

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