Chapter XIX

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Chapter 19: The Hokage's Death and Itachi's Reappearance.

Rizuka's P.o.V

"Oji-san?" I look at the disappearing figure in the mass of white. "Oji-san?! Where are you going?!" I yell at him. He's smiling down at me, I know that smile. I don't like it... Why does he have that smile. "Don't leave the village! Oji-san who will take care of us?! Oji-san?! Oji-san! Don't leave me Oji-san!!" I scream as the smiling figure disappears in front of my eyes. My face is flooded with tears as I scream for him to come back.

"Rizuka... Rizuka!!!" A voice wakes me up. I fly forward to see Sasuke. "What are you doing?!" He yells at me. "Eh..?" I continue to stare at him. 'Oji-san... You're dead now... Aren't you?' I think before my eyesight blurry and my lips start to quiver. "Sasuke!" I fling my arms around him and start bawling. "Oji-san... Oji-san is dead!" I tremble in his shocked arms. "Rizuka calm down! You'll kill us all!" He yells at me.

"But! But He's dead! Why?! Why did he die?!" I continue to scream. 'Didn't know you had it in you.' Shukaku says with a joyfully laced voice. 'Shut up!' I grip my head. This is bad... I'm totally losing control... I'll end up dying too... I'll probably kill everyone near me soon... I don't want that..! Help me! Anyone! Please stop me!!! Kill me!!! 'Rizuka.' I gasp at the tranquility the voice has.

"Rizuka! Calm down!" Sasuke wraps his arms around me while I blankly stare in front of me. "I'm... sorry..." I say. I don't move, I just sit there, wallowing in my sadness.


There I was sitting in a chair, tears slowly dripping down my eyes, I had already cried so much. It was new crying this way, before, I cried for others, now I'm crying for myself. "She still hasn't spoken?" I can hear someone ask, I assume, my father. 'Is it going to hurt like this if Otou-san dies?' I ask myself once again. "No she hasn't..." I assume Otou-san answers. I don't pay attention to who's talking, I don't want to. It sounds distorted, I can't tell who's saying what.

I don't know how long it's been since his funeral. Honestly, it could've been a few hours ago. I don't feel like doing anything. I don't even know anything anymore. "Ne Otou-san... Will it hurt like this if I lose someone else..?" I finally ask him. "When I lost Mama and Papa, it didn't hurt. I didn't understand it, I still don't understand it. So why is it different now? Why does it hurt?" I continue.

"Rizuka!" I perk up when Naruto's voice vibrates through my ears. "Naruto..?" I slightly flinch at the boy in my face. "Morning Training! Let's go!" He grabs my hand and drags me along. 'Always so strong... Naruto you're so cool. Okay, I can't be wasting time mourning over Oji-san, I need to pick myself up. Thank you, Naruto..!' I smile with blurred eyes. I wipe away the tears and run with him. "Naruto! Thank you for worrying about me!" I smile at him, and he returns it. "Of course! I can't let my friend be sad all the time!" He exclaims. "Hm!" I hum.

"Naruto! I'll be doing a different kind of training, can you take me back home if I pass out?" I ask him while he sets up his training gear. "Sure! What kind of training are you doing though..?" He tilts his head. "I need to geg stronger, which means I need to get used to chakra... I'll be using Kyuubi to help me out, he agreed of course!" I grin.

"Eh?!?! No fair! How'd you get him to agree?! Wait... How'd you even meet him?!" Naruto looks like a boulder hit him. "You know that time when we were little? Y'know the one with the bullies..." I try to jog his memory. "Ah, the time your eyes were blue and the rocks and stuff were floating, right?!" He says. "Yeah that! I've already told you it's my Kekkei Genkai. But, we're still unsure how it truly works, so I've been slowly developing it over the years. I think it's about time for me to do some hardcore training with it. I may find out more things to it!" I tell him.

"C-cool! Ne, ne, you have to show me what you learn first okay? I can help you train, so show me!" He starts getting overexcited. "Fine, I'll need you to use massive amounts of chakra while maintaining attacks, think you can do that?" I ask him. "I don't really get, but I have an idea!" He confidently states, and we start our training.

~T.S. (She got exhausted btw)~

"Naruto..." I watch him take off his clothes to find a ramen ticket. "Hey, I'll buy you ramen, but only two bowls!" I emphasize the word two. 'I've been feeling weird since training... like someone I haven't seen in while is here. Mom and Dad are dead, so it can't be them... Who is it..?' I gasp at my realization. 'Itachi?! Could he..!' I stand up from my seat and excuse myself after giving Naruto money.

'Where, where is he? Why is here now of all times?' I stop across from where the others are to see the man who disappeared after that day. I watch from my spot as he clashes with the Rookie Nine Sensei's. "No, the legacy of the Fourth Hokage." Itachi says. "The Nine Tailed Fox inside Naruto is your target? I already know you two aren't the only ones on the move. The name of your organization is Akatsuki, right?" Otou-san says.

'Akatsuki? Naruto's Kyuubi?' I ask myself. "Kisame! We'll take Kakashi-san. Get rid of the other two." Itachi says. 'So he doesn't know I'm here yet or is he ignoring me on purpose?' I stay hidden in my spot. Itachi tells Kisame to escape when Might Guy-san shows up. I swear Itachi looked at me with his blood red Sharingan eyes before he left. 'He did know...' I grimace.

-Love Kimi

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