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Sunny, Clay, Tsunami, and Starflight were all waiting at Thorn's café when they heard a motorcycle pull up and Glory take off her helmet. 

"Glory!" Sunny shouted, racing to give her friend a hug.

"Nice to see you, too, Sunny," Glory said. "Let's get some food, I'm hungry."

"Okay!" Sunny happily walked to their table and sat down. 

Almost immediate after, a waiter, Six-Claws, came. 

"Hey guys." He said. "What would you all like today?"

1 burrito, 2 cinnamon rolls, 3 bagels, and a chocolate shake." Clay said.

"What the heck!" Tsunami said.

"Breakfast wasn't enough!" Clay whined.

"Anyway," Tsunami said. "I'll have a bagel with cream cheese, and a caramel latte."

Starflight cleared his throat. "I'll have a scone and a coffee."

"I'll have a strawberry smoothie." Glory said.

"And I'll have a donut and an iced tea." Sunny stated, completing their order.

While they were waiting for their order, Glory asked Tsunami, "Have  you started dating Riptide yet?"

Tsunami started to blush and said "No!" through gritted teeth.

"Okay." Glory said, clearly not convinced.

"What about  Deathbringer?" Tsunami asked Glory.

Glory glared at Tsunami so hard that if looks could kill, Tsunami would have died multiple times. "Ew! No. Why would I date the smuggest, biggest suck-up on the football team?"

"Oh... I dunno? Because you like him?"

Their conversation was ended as two girls walked in the door and Clay yelled "PERIL!"

Peril blushed as she replied, "H-Hi, Clay."

Starflight stood up to greet Fatespeaker, the other girl with Peril.

Their food came and Fatespeaker and Peril ordered their own food. Peril and Fatespeaker sat with Glory and their friends and the group talked until they had to go to school.

Wings of Fire as Humans (in High School)Where stories live. Discover now