Happy Halloween!

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Happy Halloween! I hope it's good for you! It's like 30 degrees (Fahrenheit) where I live, so it's freezing. Anyway, you guys can ask me anything you want. Anything you want to know about me. I also would love to know what you're being for Halloween. 

~Glory's POV~

The next day Glory didn't do much. She just laid on the couch, listening to music, helping out wherever she could. Anything to take her mind off things. 

Everyone seemed to have the same idea, too, and everyone was nervous, jumping at even the smallest of sounds.

Thorn also seemed very stressed. Beside the fact that 2 people were missing, she was also making sure 14 kids didn't kill each other during the day, or get killed that night.

After a long stressful day, and planning for the night, it was finally time to head to the cafe. 


When the group got to the cafe, Darkstalker was already there.

Tsunami noticed this, and walked up to him, fuming.

"What have you done with Riptide?" She yelled. "And Deathbringer?"

"They are perfectly safe." Darkstalker replied calmly. "To get them back all you have to do is give me Smolder."

"Why me?" Smolder asked.

Darkstalker smiled in a way that made Glory uncomfortable. "Simple. I'm running an experiment, and Smolder, being a scientist, could help me with things I'm not one hundred percent sure about."

"Before we give you Smolder, IF we you Smolder, take us to Deathbringer and Riptide, then we'll debate on it." Thorn declared, stepping to Darkstalker. 

"Also, why are you doing this?" Smolder asked, stepping by his girlfriend. "I mean, why kill the vice principal, who was your father, by the way, and attempt to kill our shiny new principal." Thorn punched him in the side playfully. "You little snail."

"That's me." Smolder replied with a small smile.

Darkstalker raised his hands. "Okay. I'll take you to them. I understand. You don't trust me."

Glory snorted. "You got that right. Where's your car?"


The car ride to wherever they were going was quiet. Nobody wanted to talk, or had anything to say. They were just anticipating for what would happen next. When they arrived, though, it was phenomenal.

The building, no, not a building, the mansion, was at least five stories high, with a modern exterior and interior, fascinating everyone.

They all stood gaping at it, except Tsunami, who looked ready to punch Darkstalker until he died, and followed him inside. 

He took them down a elevator to a basement, which was also multiple floors, and when the elevator door opened, Glory saw Deathbringer and Riptide, sitting on the floor, with tape on their mouths, and their feet and hands tied.

Tsunamis eyes immediately lit up, and she ran towards her boyfriend. She took a knife (Glory had no idea where Tsunami got the idea to bring a knife, or got a knife) and cut the ropes on Riptide, then took the tape off his mouth, set the knife down, and hugged Riptide, sobbing. Next to them, Deathbringer rolled his eyes and looked at Glory, an eyebrow raised.

Glory rolled her eyes, then ran over to grab Tsunami's knife, and cut the ropes on his hands, and took the tape off his mouth. 

Deathbringer let out a faint smile. "Did you miss me?" He asked.

Glory didn't realized how much she missed him, until she was standing in front of him, going dizzy with relief.  Glory rolled her eyes at his question and stood as tall as she could, then quickly kissed Deathbringer. On the lips. Very quick, though.

Deathbringer's face got red, and Glory felt herself blush. "Yes, I missed you." She replied. 

Deathbringer gave Glory his signature smug look. "I assume my presence please my queen."

Glory punched Deathbringer. "Ow!" He yelled.

"Hey!" Thorn yelled, walking over to the two. "Break it up! We've got to go." She looked really defeated to leave Smolder.

Deathbringer leaned down to Glory. "Two questions. Why is Smolder here and why is he so attached to Thorn?"

"Thorn and Smolder are dating." Glory whispered back. "They've been for a while now, actually. Since around July."

"Really?" Deathbringer replied, surprised.


"Okay. Who's that guy with Sunny?"

"Her boyfriend, Meerkat."

Deathbringer stopped, shocked. "Her boyfriend. Sunny. A boyfriend."

Glory nodded. "Well, I mean, they're not officially dating, but it's pretty obvious they will be in a week."

"I've been gone for two days!" Deathbringer shouted. "How much can happen in two days?"

Glory shrugged. "A lot, I guess."


"You didn't have to do this." Deathbringer said as they walked out to the car. 

Glory rolled her eyes. "Would you rather have been trapped here?"

Deathbringer grinned. "You totally care if I live or die!"

"Shut up."

"You're not denying it."

"Shut. Up."

Deathbringer decided to change the subject. "Why isn't Smolder coming?"

Glory smiled. "He will be."

That was long. Sorry for not updating yesterday, I was busy. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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