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A/N: This story is almost at 100 reads! Thank you! And thank you @ANRawesome for voting! I really appreciate it. Anyway, here's the story.

It had been about 20 minutes since Starflight had last seen Glory, and he was starting to worry. Starflight had also invited Clay, Peril, Tsunami, Riptide, and Sunny to go trick-or-treating with them. They were all waiting for Glory and Deathbringer to turn up, and with comical timing, they pulled into the Outclaw Cafe. 

When they walked towards the group, Peril snickered. She thought Glory and Deathbringer's costumes were hilarious, and Fatespeaker thought they looked cute together, openly shipping them. 

Sunny screeched and said, "My ship is sailing!" Which caused the two people to blush, and a Glory to get mad, and yell at Sunny.

"We're not even dating! Shut up!" She shouted. 

Deathbringer smirked and pecked Glory on the cheek. Glory then chose to punch Deathbringer in the face.

"Ow!" Deathbringer exclaimed, rubbing the side of his face, where he had been hit. "Let's go, at least before anyone else gets hurt."

Glory shrugged. "Okay." Then started walking towards the nearest neighborhood, her friends following her. 

Starflight, surprisingly, had a blast trick-or-treating. He thought his friends costumes were great, too. Clay was a pig, Peril a dragon, Tsunami and Riptide were Percy and Annabeth from Percy Jackson, Fatespeaker was Bellatrix Lestrange, and Glory, Deathbringer, and Starflight were the Golden Trio from Harry Potter. 

Almost every house they went to loved the costumes, and proclaimed that they thought Glory and Deathbringer were a cute couple. Glory then "politely" told them they weren't dating, just a couple of nerd-friends. 

They got lots of candy, too, and Deathbringer went on a sugar high, which Glory thought was hilarious, and punched him again to get him back to reality. 

Starflight was glad he was able to spend the holiday with his friends. When the group had finished trick-or-treating, they all went to Glory's apartment and watched Halloween related movies. Clay went through at least  12 bags of candy, and was begging for more.

At about midnight, everybody left, as they had school the next day, and didn't want to fall asleep in class. Starflight was exhausted, and when he got back to his apartment, he flopped on his head and immediately fell asleep.

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