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A/N: Hey guys! So, after this chapter, there will only be one more. It will be up most likely in the next few days. I'll be getting the sequel up as soon as I can, but I'm going to be taking a break from writing for a few weeks just so that I can make the sequel the best I can, and update my Glorybringer fanfiction too. And I just want to thank you all for this. I never thought I'd get this many reads, or followers, and I want to thank everyone. Thank you for supporting me, and going on this journey with me. Now, please, enjoy this second to last part.

I groaned, lifting a piece of metal off of myself, the thing that had protected me, and saved my life. I stood up, and looked down. I was covered in grime, and had cuts and bruises all over my arms, and my pants were ripped in the middle.

I started to walk, but everything hurt. It looked to be evening, from the setting sun that was on the horizon. I needed to find a place to stay for the night. I needed food, and water. I didn't know how long I had been unconscious, but I hoped it hadn't been too long. It was getting cold, and I knew that if I didn't find a place to stay, I wasn't going to live much longer.

A city was nearby, I knew that, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to get there before nightfall, but it was the nearest shelter I could find, other than the woods surrounding me. There were no cars from what I could see. That was odd. I walked on the side of the road, and I walked until I couldn't walk anymore, and I crawled into the woods, where I curled up under a blanket of leaves, and slipped into a dreamless sleep.


The next morning I woke up, feeling refreshed, but also really lonely. I had to get back to her. She probably thought I was dead, and so did I. Hopefully she got my letter I wrote.

I stood up, stretching my arms, and walked to the road, which wasn't too far away from where I had camped. My stomach growled, and my throat was dry. I needed to get some water, and I heard the faint rush of a creek. I headed farther into the woods, and after,much searching, I found it. I didn't care how dirty it was, but it was water. I thrust my hands into the banks and drank it, straight out of my hands, and then used some of the water to wash my face, and clean the cuts and dried blood that covered my arms and face.

It stung, but I kept doing it, knowing that this little bit of pain was going to benefit me later, if I didn't find a place to shower and food soon. I reached my hand into the pocket of my pants, and I pulled out my wallet, which had surprisingly survived the explosion. I opened it up, and sighed when I saw that all I had was a five dollar bill. That wouldn't get me very far. But there was a picture too, and my heart ached when I looked at it. It was her, the one I needed to get back to. I smiled, and said her name to the trees, wondering if she could somehow hear me.


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