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A/N: So...It's snowing outside, we have like an inch of snow outside, and I have nothing better to do, so here's an update!

Christmas Eve has been great for Glory, one she'd definitely remember. She had gotten $200 from Deathbringer, and she spent it with her friends. She and Deathbringer were dating now, so it was even better.

Deathbringer was spending Christmas Day at Glory's house, so he was coming over around 9:00 a.m., and it was about 8:30 currently.

Glory sat on the edge of her bed, and turned her light on, stretching. She quickly changed her clothes, from her Harry Potter pajamas to a sweater and jeans. She decided she should clean up her house, as it was a mess, and she started to play music. She cleaned for a while, then heard a knock on her door.

"Hey, Deathbringer." She said. 

"'Sup Glory." He replied, with his smug grin. "You have a weird music taste." He commented.

Glory rolled her eyes. She had been listening to Heathers, Candy Store, to be specific. "It's just a musical. It's not that weird. There's a lot weirder ones."

"I was just saying!" Deathbringer protested.

"Oh well." Glory said. "Anyway, Merry Christmas." She said, kissing his cheek.

"Merry Christmas." Deathbringer replied, grabbing her hand. 

Suddenly, Glory's phone rang, and she saw a text from Tsunami. 

All it read was: Did you hear?

Glory was confused. Hear what?  She replied.

A moment later, her phone rang again. Darkstalkers escaped.

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