2.1 | what minji needs right now...

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During recess, everyone in the table seem to notice a major change in Minji's mood. Her usual shy smile do not appear on her face. Instead, it is replaced by a gloomy and glum expression on her face. Thorough the break, Minji has been extremely silent and it catches her friends' attention.

She quickly covers her face in her hands and groans as she still can hear the whispers and murmurs around her. During the lesson, Minji could not focus due to several reasons. One which is Elias, her beloved boyfriend still giving her silent treatment, second, Dixon's "admirers" begin to threaten her and stuff. Third, people are still talking and looking at her wherever she goes. Soon after the news of Dixon's confession to her, a lot of boys have started and confess to her, which adds more fuel to the multiple rumours that everyone come up within the minutes after the news break.

In her mind, she could still hear them whispering and talking about her. She could still feel their threatening glares whenever she is alone. She could not help but feels insecure and uncomfortable because her mind will always replay the harmful and toxic words that they have said to her.

"You are never enough for a guy like Dixon. You probably blackmailed him into confessing you in order to get more fame, isn't it?"

"Attention seeking whore."

"You are a nobody, go back to where you actually belong."

Minji lets out a stressful sigh as she places her head in the table, refusing to eat the plate of food that is in front of her. The rest of her friends eye her with genuine worry and concern as Minji keeps playing with the food.

" Hey, Minji. Are you.... Alright?" Yerin asks as she looks at Minji. The only respond she got from Minji is a "Oh" before she covers her head with her arms.

"What do you think, Yerin? That she is bloody alright after what had happened? Obviously, she is not!" Chaeyoung says as she glares at Yerin before gently patting Minji's small hand.

"I am sorry, Miss Sassy- Pants! I do not know what to ask, okay?!" Yerin says frustrated.

"Alright. Alright. Enough." Liz says before she eats a spoonful of rice. "Minji, you do know that you can tell us anything, right? I am pretty sure that we will try to help you as much as we could."

Minji only nods as she continues to cover her head with her hands.

Liz only sighs and takes the answer that Minji does not want to say anything after all.

" What Minji needs right now is a lot of space and time. " Just then, a deep voice resonate behind them, scaring the three of the girls to find that Yerin's older brother, Hanbin and two of his friends, Luhan and Bon-Hwa standing behind them.

"What do you want, pabo?" Yerin says while rolling her eyes, thinking that her brother is here to give her more trouble.

"This is not how you add-" Before Hanbin could finish, Bon-Hwa swiftly covers his mouth and decides to answer Yerin's question for Hanbin.

"Oh, we are here to check on your friend, Minji. Hanbin told us that you are, erm...... Not really good at comforting people so he is here to see if he can help your friend."

"Oh, I see and pabo, since when I am not good at comforting people? You are only doubting me for Christ 's sake!" Yerin screams as Hanbin quickly rolls his eyes and shushes her.

"I hope you guys won' t mind me asking. What happened to her?" Hanbin asks as he points at Minji who is currently now sleeping on the table.

"She is down because of people talking about her. Some girls even have gone too far to threaten her about Dixon. Now, there are boys Confessing to her and it adds more fuel to the rumour." Liz explains as she gestures for the boys to take a seat. The boys nod their heads warily and keep quiet as they do not want to wake up an upset Minji.

" Oh, I see. Just now, I am in the music room with her. I had tried asking her about how she is. All she did is she shrugs me off and walks away." Luhan voices out as he looks at the group nervously.

"Minji would only react like that when she is really upset or sad." Liz says.

"She must be really upset and probably mentally and emotionally drained. What I can do now is to advise all of you to give her space and time to accept this. To let her stablize her negative emotions." Hanbin advises as he steals Yerin's almond milk away and takes a sip, which causes Yerin to smack him.

"Yerin, what the actual hell?!" Hanbin curses as he rubs the spot where Yerin smacks him real hard.

"No one asked you to steal my almond milk." Yerin glowers as she snatches back her almond milk.

"And no one asked you to give an opinion." Hanbin fires back.

"Wait a minute, where are Kang-Dae and Elias?" Chaeyoung asks as she realises that the boys' two more friends are missing.

"Probably, they are afraid of you because you had threatened them about Minji again." Liz states, rolling her eyes.

"H- W-what?" Bon - Hwa asks confused.

"This girl over here." Liz points at Chaeyoung while she glares daggers at Liz. "Overheard them talking about Minji and Elias said something about Minji but what Chaeyoung told me is that Elias was saying that he will not date a girl like Minji. Then, she went ballistic on Elias, Kang-Dae, Seungmin and Jisung."

"Erm... Alright." Hanbin says confused.

"Alright, she dropped the cheesecake-" When Luhan was about to sing that, Minji woke up and stared at her friends groggily.

"You know what? I am done. I am going to music room to clear my mind and all of you stay here in the cafeteria."

As soon as Minji said that, she left the cafeteria, leaving the rest of them in complete shock.

"Told you, pabo, she wants us to be quiet." Hanbin states while the rest start to smack him.

"Since when did you say that, hyung?" Luhan scoffs as he crosses his arms.

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