bonus | first date

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Being social is definitely not Minji's forte as she is found in a room where her mother and her secretary are literally picking up and digging through her massive collections of expensive wardrobe. 

"Not this. Nope. Ew, why did I even buy my own daughter this ugly dress in the first place? No. No. No." Mrs Kang shakes her head every time her fingers land on a random dress and throws it out of the wardrobe. 

"Ma'am, I think we should try a blouse and a skirt ensemble." Her mother's secretary, Miss Jang says as she picks up a beautiful flora blouse along with a black chiffon skirt. 

"She always wears these. I want her to wear a dress for once." Mrs Kang says, not forgetting to emphasize on the word 'dress' and 'once'. 

"Has Mr King's son informed you when he is arriving?" Minji only watches her mother asking her secretary as she keeps throwing a dress after a dress. 

"In fifteen minutes, ma'am." 

"WHAT?! OH GOD-" Minji's mother shouts as she panics and looks for a dress. 

"Eomma..." Minji says as she handpicks her favourite casual dress, a simple black dress with a ribbon to tie at the middle. 

"This is not a time to argu- Wait, you found it! Go and change now! Oh, thank Heavens that I have finished your make up earlier!" Mrs Kang says as she drags her secretary who is surprised by her boss's sudden movement out of her daughter's room and slams the door. 

A sigh of relief leaves Minji's lips as she quickly slips her dress on. She has been standing in her room for hours and hours as her mother and her secretary quickly look for a cute outfit for her to wear. A smile makes its way across her face as she thinks of her recent texts that she has exchanged with him.

It is a miracle that a boy who is nearly perfect as the God himself has fallen for a shy and quiet girl like her. Minji smiles every time she receives a text or a call from Elias. Whenever Minji has ran away into toilet or into the corner of the school away from her bullies, she would reread his sweet messages again and again. 

It has been two official months since their last first meeting. Yet, the two could not help but to fall for one another even more. 


"Hey, guys. I need to leave since my father asked me to do something." Elias says as he quickly makes up an excuse before switching off his phone. 

"Again? How many times are you going to ditch us for your chores?" Luhan asks, raising an eyebrow suggestively. 

"That does not explain the reason you kept staring at your phone thorough our hang out." Kang Dae points out, a suspicious look on his face. 

"It's really important." Elias smiles and bows his head apologetically. "I'm sorry again."

"Fine. Just go. Kang Dae and I will need to play by our own then." Luhan whines as he pouts at his friend who only rolls his eyes as a response towards his childish behaviour. 

"See you at soon on Monday then." Kang Dae says as Elias smiles, taking his bag with him. 

"See both of you at Monday!" The mixed boy yells as he exits the court and enters the luxury car which is waiting for him. 

As he closes the car door, he quickly takes his phone out and texts Mrs Kang that he will be on his way. After that, a beautiful smile appears on his face as he looks out the window into the beautiful purple sky. 

Even though he feels guilty of lying to his best friends who mean the entire the world to him for countless time, he does not even regret it when he sees that smile on her face which is his most favourite feature of her. 

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