0.8 | my brother is such a pain in the ass

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It is a lazy Saturday when four best  friends gather around Yerin's  house for their monthly catch up. All of them have managed to clear their hectic schedule so they could hang out with each other. Unlike the best friends goals you have seen in the social media and internet, the four of them prefer to stay and hang out in one another's house, relaxing and catching up. 

"Let's talk about bitches and whatnot in the school!" Chaeyoung cheers, causing Yerin to glare. Yerin hates it whenever one of her friends, especially her best friends using swear words in front of her. 

"What? I'm stating the obvious fact." Chaeyoung shrugs, causing Yerin to groan. 

"Is that even necessary?" Yerin groans again. 

Before Chaeyoung could open her mouth and makes a snarky comment towards Yerin, Liz has quickly jumps and interjects into the conversation.

"Hey, ladies. We are here for the tea, not for us fighting over some stupid, useless thing." Liz claps her hands and looks around. "Now, who has tea to spill?"

"I do!" Chaeyoung who has been lying on Yerin's bed and cuddling with her white fluffy pillow says. 

"Well, spill it!" 

"I saw Mr Jung making out with Miss Lee at the lockers when I am going out for toilet for  like the seventh time around this week. I think they are hooking up secretly." Chaeyoung says and smirks. 

"Whoa! That's quite the tea!" Liz squeals. 

"And I second that." Minji says. 

"I wonder, what will Mr Jeon think about it? I mean, he is crushing on Miss Lee since forever." Yerin snickers, while taking sip of the bubble teas that they order. 

Everyone in the room start to laugh out loud as they know that how their Korean Literature teacher will stare longingly at the beautiful Art teacher whenever she walks pass the class or interrupts the class for an announcement. 

"I bet, he will feel heartbroken. Logically speaking." Minji suggests as she fiddles with the hems of the cushion she is holding on. 

"Well, what if it is like in k-dramas? All the love triangles? Rivals? Fighting for their love?" Yerin says as she gazes dreamily at her friends. However, her lovely daydream is interrupted as  Chaeyoung smacks her head harshly with a pillow. 

"Are you dumb? This is not a k-drama! It's a reality!" 

"I know obviously! Can't you let me daydream for a moment?" Yerin groans. 

"Speaking of the topic of love, I realise that someone in the room might be in love." Liz quickly directs the topic . 

"Who?" Yerin quickly questions and looks at her friends. "Which one of you are in love?!" 

"No one obviously! What makes you think that we have time for those type of lovey dovey sappy shit when we could not even fall asleep at night?" Chaeyoung rolls her eyes. 

Just then, the room to Yerin's door opens and Hanbin's head peeks in. 

"Pabo-" He is interrupted when he realises that Yerin is not alone in the room. His face flushes red in embarassment.

"I dare you to finish that, Choi Hanbin!" Yerin shoots her brother a murderous glare. 

"I do not know that you are having your friends over." Hanbin continues, ignoring what his sister has said earlier. 

"And I do not know that my brother is such a pain in the ass!" Yerin says, causing Hanbin to groan. 

"Is that how you treat your oppa, Yerin?" Hanbin says, gritting his teeth and trying his best not to explode in front of his sister's friends. 

"Firstly, you don't even act like your oppa. You act like a 2-year-old toddler instead, doing aegyo here and there. Second, what the hell do you want? I know that you want something from me when you barge into my room without my permission." Yerin says. 

"My friends are coming over and I want y'all to keep it low since we will be playing video games at the living room." Hanbin says, showing off his signature dimples which are known to melt every girls' hearts. 

"Why should we keep it low when it is supposed to be you all? Your friends are way more noisy, I swear. I will never have my own peace or quietness to study at all." Yerin complains, causing Hanbin to roll his eyes. 

"Can I ask mum why you are born?" Hanbin complains. 

"Then, can I ask God why are we even  related?" Yerin attacks, making Hanbin held his hands up and surrenders.

"Alright. Alright. Just keep your voice down. Mum has gone to visit Grandma at Busan and Dad has to go and start his shift." 

"Fine, now get lost, loser. I don't want to see your ugly face." Yerin shoes her brother away. 

"Oka-WHO ARE YOU CALLING UGLY?! BITCH, HAVE YOU SEEN MY FACE?! MY HANDSOME FACE? HOW AM I-" Hanbin is interrupted when Yerin has got up, obviously annoyed at her older brother's tactics and shoves him away before slamming the door hard on his face. 

Then, she turns around and smiles sweetly at her friends who look amused and scared at her. 

"Now, back to the tea." She says as she sits back down. 

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