Memories. Age 5

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"Sweetie, this isn't your fault. We're just going to send you to your aunt's for a few days, please stop crying, you'll come back, I promise. Just go to sleep. We leave in the morning."

I watched as a memory from my childhood replayed right in front of me. As my mother left my old childrens room, I watched as curious 5 year old me crept out of bed and walked into the hallway.

"This child is evil! I can't stand to look at her anymore."

I heard my mother's voice, full of fear.

"The things I hear from her teacher and the parents from that school-"

I heard my father interrupt her.

"But is sending her away a good idea?"

This horrible memory...the memory they don't know I experienced...
They never knew I witnessed that conversation.
They didn't know I always knew how they felt about me.

I was only five, but even then I understood.
I was sent to live with my mother's sister, my aunt Laura.

She was disgusted by me.
I was there for weeks on end, unlike the few days my mother promised.
This horrible memory, is one I wish I could forget.

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