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I was with Amy, Andrea, Carol, and Jacqui washing clothes, I was in charge of hanging them, and Ed was watching us. 

I didn't know why he was always watching us do chores, but I had an idea. He was waiting on Carol to mess up on something so he can beat her. 

We ended up talking about the things we miss. 

It was my turn. 

"To be honest, I miss watching tv and watching my local football team," I said as I looked at the girls. 

"I miss my Maytag," Carol says as she continues. 

"I miss my Benz, my Sat Nav," Andrea answers as she scrubs the article of clothing on her knee. 

"I miss my coffeemaker, with that dual-drip filter and built-in grinder, honey," Jacqui says as she dreamingly looks into the distance and looks down and smiled. 

"My computer, and, texting," Amy says as she looked at the water. 

"I miss my vibrator," Andrea admits as she stops scrubs, and this causes us all to laugh for a few seconds. 

I watched Carol look behind her at Ed. 

"Me too," She said as she leaned in as if telling us a secret. This causes us to break out in even more laughter. 

And for Ed to come investigate. 

"What's so funny?" He asked as he walked down towards us. 

"Just swapping war stories, Ed," Andrea answered, as she looked at him, but he kept walking down. 

He walked down and sorta looked at us all before he stopped behind Carol. 

"Problem, Ed?" Andrea asked him as she turned and looked at him. 

"Nothin' that concerns you," He told her and she turned back around, and then he looked down at Carol, "And you ought to focus on your work. This ain't no comedy club." 

This made me a little angry, but I continued working, despite the fact, he was now supervising our work. 

As he was lighting us another cigarette, Andrea got up and walked towards him. 

"Ed, tell ya what, you don't like how your laundry is done, you are welcome to pitch in and do it yourself. Here," Andrea said as she threw the shirt she was cleaning at him. 

"Ain't my job missy," He said as he threw the shirt back at her. 

"Andrea don't," Amy warned her sister as she also got up. 

"What is your job, Ed?" Andrea asked as she walked towards him more, with Amy sorta following her, "Sitting on your ass, smoking cigarettes?" 

That's when I also started walking towards him. 

"Well, it sure as hell ain't listening to some uppity smart-mouthes bitch. Tell you what, come on, let's go," Ed said as he gestured for Carol come to him. 

"I don't think she needs to go anywhere with you, Ed," Andrea said and I nodded as I stood beside her. 

"And I say it's none of y'alls buiness. Come on now!" He yelled at Carol and she was walking to him. 

"Carol," Both Andrea and I turned to her. 

"Andrea, CJ, please, it doesn't matter," Carol said as we tried to not let her go with him. 

"Hey, don't think I won't knock you both on your asses," He said as he got in our faces, "Now you come on now or you gonna regret it later." 

When he said that, I got angrier. 

"So she can show up later with fresh bruises later, Ed?" Jacqui asked as she put her hands on her hips. 

"Yeah, that's right, we've seen them," I said as I saw his face and then he laughed. 

"Stay out of this. Now come on!" He yelled, "You know what? This ain't none of y'all's business. You don't want to keep prodding the bull here, okay? Now I am done talking. Come on!" 

He then grabs Carol's arm and I reached out and grabbed his. 

"She ain't going anywhere with you," I said as I sorta sized up to him, to show him I wasn't afraid of him. 

Before I knew what was happening, he punches me in the face twice, while holding my arm so I don't fall quickly, and then slapped Carol, and that's the last thing I remember before passing out. 


After Shane beat Ed up, he picked up CJ and carried her back to camp, where Lori rushed over to them. 

"What the hell happened?" She asked as she looked at him, with tears in her eyes, as she watched the bruises starting to form on her daughter's skin. 

"Ed punched her in the face twice, because he was trying to grab Carol, to punish her," Shane explained as he took her to the RV, where Dale was coming down the roof of it and heading over. 

"I'll go get some of the cold water and a washrag, maybe that'll slow the swelling," Dale informed as he walked off to get it. 

Shane then took her inside the RV and to the back, where the bed is and laid her there. 

"What happened to Ed?" A couple of people outside were asking. 

"Shane. Ed hit CJ and slapped Carol, and Shane was watching," Andrea explained as she came into camp, helping Carol, Amy, and Jacqui get him to the tent. 

CJ didn't wake up for a while.  

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