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Ultimately it took a couple of days, but Andrea had pulled it off, she managed to get my dad to sit down the Governor. And she had managed to get the Governor to sit down with my dad.

The people who went with my dad were Daryl and Hershel, of course, Daryl and I sorta had an argument about it, but in the end, we were able to work it out. 

That morning, I got dressed in this~~

That morning, I got dressed in this~~

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We were gearing up for war. We were checking guns and hiding ammo all over the place, in case we get pinned down. 

And then Merle had to open his mouth. 

"What we should be doing is loading some of this firepower up in a truck and paying a visit to the Governor," Merle said and I sighed, "We know where he is right now." 

"You suggesting that we just go in and kill him?" Glenn asked Merle and I sighed. 

"Yeah, I am," Merle said, standing his ground. 

"We told Rick and Daryl that we'd stay put," Michonne said as she looked at Merle. 

"I've changed my mind, sweetheart," Merle said and I gagged slightly, "Being on the sideline with my brother out there ain't sitting right with me." 

"Three of them are right in the middle of it," Glenn said as he looked at Merle, "No idea we're coming. They could get taken hostage or killed. A thousand things could go wrong." 

"And they will," Merle said and I backed away. 

"My dad can take care of himself," Carl said as he glared at Merle. 

"And Daryl can too," I said as I looked at Merle. 

"Sorry son, but your dad's head could be on a pike real soon," Merle said and I looked at Merle, with a slight glare. 

"Don't say that to him," Maggie said and I nodded. 

"Merle, be considerate," I said as I glared at him, hopefully reminding him that Rick is also my dad as well. 

"It's not the right move," Glenn tried to explain, "Not now. Can't take the risk of putting them in the crossfire. That's my decision. It's final." 

I was proud of Glenn, for standing up to Merle. 

I went back to Willow and changed her, fed her, and put her in a light purple onesie. And sure enough, I was only gone a few minutes, and all hell broke loose. I walked in to Merle and Glenn fighting. 

I just sighed and sat down. 

Then Beth fired a gun and made them break up. 

"You need to quite acting like 2-year-olds," I said as I picked up an automatic and took it with me to the cellblock. 

And eventually, they came back. 

I hugged Daryl and kissed him. 

"Come on," I said as we walked into the prison. 

And then my dad gathered us to talk. 

"So, I met this Governor," He started, "Sat with him for quite a while." 

"Just the two of you?" Merle asked and I looked at him. 

"Yeah," My dad answered him. 

"Should have gone when we had the chance, bro," Merle said as he walked off. 

"He wants the prison," My dad said, none of us were happy about that, "He wants us gone. Dead. He wants us dead for what we did to Woodbury. We're going to war." 

I looked over to Daryl, and he just looked down, then walked off. 

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