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I got up in the middle of the night, and I got dressed in this, to take the night shift~

I got up in the middle of the night, and I got dressed in this, to take the night shift~

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I saw Carol, she had on a pack, and she was sneaking out. I followed her. I had to, I wasn't going to let her be alone. 

I followed her until she got into a car. And then she saw me. 

"Go back home," She said as she looked at me. 

"No, I'm coming with you," I said, stubborn as ever. 

"Casey," She said as she looked down at my stomach, then back up at my eyes. 

"Carol, I'm fine," I said as I got into the car, with her, and sighed, knowing she lost this argument. When she got in, she looked over at me. 

"What about Daryl and Willow?" She asked as she started driving. I then looked down at my stomach and rubbed it. 

"I'll go back once I know you're safe," I said as I put my hand on her shoulder. 

"Okay, just get some sleep," She said and I nodded then rested my head against the window and went to sleep. 

When I woke up, it was due to gunfire and the car spinning. I was screaming. 

The car stopped and I saw men, in a truck, and I looked over at Carol, she was holding a cross, and I made sure I stuffed my throwing knives in my sleeves, just in case. 

One of the men in the back of the truck stood up, and pointed his guns at us. 

"Hands up," He called out to us, and we followed the instruction. I was nervous, I didn't want to die. 

"Please don't hurt us," Carol called out to them, and I started to cry, thinking about leaving Daryl, Willow, and not having my baby. 

"Why does everyone always assume the worst?" The man asked us, and I was still crying, trying to make myself stop, so I didn't show weakness, "How 'bout you two come on out?"

I looked over at Carol and she nodded at me, and we both opened our doors and got out of the car, with our hands up. I was going to let Carol do all the talking. 

"We just have the car," She said to them, and then spun around to show them she has no weapons on her, "And a knife for the dead ones, nothing else." 

I calmly showed them my waist, where my knife was. 

"Naw, y'all got information," The man said as he was still pointing the gun at Carol, and not at me, "Like where you're from, where you're going. Aw, come on, it's a lonely world. Let's get to know each other. I'm Jiro. Y'alls turn." 

"We're nobody, really," Carol said as she looked at the man, and she looked over at me then back to the guy, "Nancy and Kelly from Montclair, she's my daughter. But we've bounced around a lot since then. We keep moving. We're not really from anywhere. We're not really going anywhere."

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