𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙤

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uh, hello

In small town in Berkshire, lived a family of 6. There were the parents, 19 year old twin boys, another 15 year old boy and their youngest, an 11 year old girl.


Harvey looked out of the window, wondering why the house across from them has the lights on, knowing nobody has lived there for 3 years. "Hey Max!" He called to his twin brother. "Hm?" Max hummed in response. "Our neighbor's lights are on" Harvey spoke. "Well of course it's on, they live there" Max said in a 'duh' tone, not knowing Harvey was talking about the house across from them. "Not Mrs. Liza's house, the one across from us". Max's eyes widened, he jumped out of his seat from the couch and joined his brother in looking out the window. "Do you think somebody has moved in?" Harvey asked. "Must have, it's been three years" Max chuckled. "Yeah, and three years since—"
"Just shut up" Max snapped. "Alright, geez, calm down" Harvey said. "Anyways, do you wanna go visit them? You know, give them a guick hello and welcome them to the neighborhood" Harvey suggested. "Sure, I'm fine with that" His twin brother agreed.

The boys quickly asked their mother permission, which she happily agreed on.
The two made their way, bickering about who will knock. "Max, I swear, we don't have to fight about this. It's just a short welcome message...thing" Harvey chuckled. "Fine fine, I'll knock and you'll talk, that's it, final" Max sighed.

And they did what Max planned. Max knocked on the wooden door and it swung open, revealing an unfamiliar girl to the boys. "Hello, how may I help you?" She kindly asked. "Oh, uh, I'm Harvey and—"
"Emily, who's at the door?" Rachel interrupted. The twins grew stiff. Rachel glanced outside the door and colors flushed out her face. She didn't think they'll meet this soon after arrival. The twins did not know that they'll be meeting again. Emily cleared her throat snapping everyone out of their thoughts. "Why did everyone suddenly go quiet?" She asked, confused. "Um, Emily, this is Harvey and his twin brother...Max" She awkwardly introduced. "Wait you mean the—"
"Yes Emily, Yes, now may you excuse us for a   sec boys—we'll be back—um—just—stay put" Rachel said, stammering, before closing the door behind.

"Emily!" She whisper-yelled. "What?" Emily said.
"Those two, waiting outside, are THEM"
"Exactly, Max was the one who left you—"
"Yes, and I don't exactly know what to do right now and—"
"Rachel, calm down, inhale and exhale"
"No problem, now, just go ahead and say hi, think that you guys are just strangers meeting each other and it'll be fine"

On the other of the door, Max, also didn't know what to do. "Harvey! What am I supposed to do? Should I say sorry or should I—"
"Hey hey hey, calm down, just say 'hello', you don't have to say sorry right away, although you should say sorry but anyways, just think of it as a fresh start, just pretend nothing happened to the two of you" Harvey said. "Okay—we can do this—okay"

The door swung open once more and the four are now face to face. "Um, hi, nice to see you again" Emily said. "Oh, uh, yeah" Harvey chuckled. "Do you guys want to come over later? For a snack maybe?" Max suggested, which surprised his brother. "Oh sure, we'll be there by 3" Rachel smiled. Harvey waved the two a goodbye before he and his brother went back to their house. Rachel gave a small smile to the two before closing the door behind them.

"Wow! That just happened" Emily exclaimed. "Yes Emily, it JUST happened" Rachel said, closing her eyes and taking a deep intake of air. "So you're fine with the whole 'come over for snacks' thing?" Asked Emily. "Yep, It would be nice meeting his family again, especially his sister, it has been a while" She smiled.

"See, just like what I told you, it'll be fine"


chapter two is here. I hope you guys like it!

love lots!

𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ➸ 𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 ✓Where stories live. Discover now