𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮-𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧

577 11 1

"Let's talk about how the last few days have gone," Emily said, as she started munching on the pancakes Rachel made. "Sure, just—hold on" Rachel spoke, plating her third pancake and setting herself beside Emily. "That time at the fair, Logan's appearance, that was totally unexpected!" Emily exclaimed, shoving more pancakes in her mouth. "Tell me about, and here I was thinking that I was not gonna speak to him again" Rachel answered.

"Anyways, that event in the grocery store when you were with Max, how can he be so—ugh!"

"I know"

Rachel's mind began to wander. She kept replaying Max's words to her last night.

Take care of yourself.

It has been a while since she has heard those words come out of someone's mouth. Sure, Chris and Emily have told her before, but it didn't feel as genuine as Max's were. Maybe because it was they who went through Logan together. Maybe because of the warm feeling she felt when Max said those word. But she let that reason slide, thinking it was ridiculous.

"And also, not to mention Max likes you"

"Yeah—wait, what?!" Rachel exclaimed, looking at Emily. "I knew you weren't listening, what dimension has your mind gone off to?" she asked. "I don't know really..." mumbled Rachel.

"Does this dimension have a person named Max Mills?" Emily added.

"Maybe..." Rachel whispered, hoping Emily did not hear her. Unfortunately, Emily's heard it clearly. "I knew it, what's going on between you two anyway?" Emily furrowed her brows.

"You might now are tired of me saying this, but I don't know" Rachel looked at Emily, mouth closed.

* * *

"You're quiet, what's going on inside that head of yours?" Harvey asked. "Nothing..." Max mumbled. "Do you really think that I'm that stupid? You're my brother and if there's one thing I'm sure, it is that whenever you're so quiet, you're thinking, so what're you thinking about?" Harvey asked once again.

"It's Rachel"

"Yeah, what about her?"

"The other day, we went to the park and went to that big tree we call our tree and we talked..."

Harvey nodded his head, silently telling his brother to continue.

"We talked about what happened and also I told her why I ignored her in the first place, and she forgave me and..."


"and now that we're not hiding things from each other anymore, I don't know what to do..." Max finished, looking at his brother. "Well, you two are friends again, so what about it? But, here's the thing, I think that your feelings are growing back" Harvey smirked, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning down the sofa they were sitting on.


"Remember in Year 8, when that wanker Jacob threw his soccer ball to Rachel real hard that the hit made her cry and also not to mention the bruise it made"

"Yeah, what about that?"

"So you spoke to Jacob about it and you almost punched him in the face"


"Then you realized how important Rachel was to you. It's happening again Max, this time with Logan"

Max remained quiet. His brother was right, his feelings are growing back.

"And if you want to have things to happen, I suggest for you to take it slow"

For someone who isn't in a relationship, he gives good advice. Max thought.

* * *

"Your feelings are growing back Rach" Emily smiled, grabbing her plate, along with Rachel's to the sink to wash them, leaving a stunned and quiet Rachel all by herself.


alright, this chapter? thoughts? lol

i hope you guys like it :))

i don't really have anything else to say except stay safe everyone and take careeee

love lots <3 

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