𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣

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"Hm, no," answered Rachel. Max raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "No?" he added. "Well, except for Dylan O'Brien, his gorgeous" Rachel said. Max laughed at her response. "Well then..."

The two continued on. Catching up on each other's lives.

"So, Harvey said some—ding—oh, it's them, they're already there" Max stopped mid-sentence, reading the text message he received. "C'mon, let's go, I am eager to know what took them so long" Rachel chuckled.

* * *

"Where were you?" Harvey asked. "The question is, where were you? I don't know what you guys were doing that took so long, but I guess it was worth it because Max and I just had a delicious snack at KFC" Rachel shrugged. "Wait, that's how long we took inside that store?..what?!" Harvey exclaimed. "Well, it was your fault for taking too long in choosing a bracelet," said Christopher. "That was because of the ones they showed me were all not really Emily" Dobby explained.

"Boys..." Rachel started

"Well, let's include the fact that we almost got kicked out of the shop because of this guy right here"

"Hey! I just thought the bears looked funny"

"Guys..." Max spoke.

"Let's not forget what you did Christopher"

"C'mon, the three of us know riding that scooter was fun"



Rachel and Max exclaimed in unison. The two looked at each other and Max gave her a look signaling that she should take the lead. She looked back at the three boys who were now quiet. "Can you three stop bickering? Time has passed and the three of you are here now so we can't really do anything besides go on," Rachel spoke. Max beside her just stayed quiet, but he looked at the boys with his lips on a flat line and raised eyebrows. "You guys are still my parents" Dobby chuckled. As much as Rachel and Max tried their best to stay serious, they couldn't help but laugh along with their friend.

* * *

"When is this asking out thing happening again?" Rachel asked, walking in the living room with her phone on her ear.

"Tomorrow—crap—it's tomorrow," said Dobby, nervously from the other line.

"Don't worry too much dude," Christopher spoke.

"Yeah, we don't want you turning red too much that you literally turn into a tomato" Harvey chuckled.

"Alright guys, I got to go before Emily wakes up and gets curious," Rachel said. Choruses of "byes" and "take care" were heard before she hung up.

Rachel walked up to their staircase and went to Emily's door. She knocked lightly and entered the room. "Hey, are you busy?" she asked Emily, who was scrolling through her laptop. "If you count watching Teen Wolf all day as busy" Emily joked, earning a laugh from Rachel. "I wanna go shopping? I'm kind of running out of clothes to wear and fall is coming up" she explained. "Like you need to ask, let's go!" Emily exclaimed, dragging Rachel out of the room.

* * *

"When did you rent this car again? And why did you not tell me?" Emily asked, confusion written all across her face. "I told you, last night and you were asleep, didn't want to release the sleepy beast in you" explained Rachel with a laugh. Emily chuckled at her friend's response and said "Fair enough".

"Where do you wanna go first?"

* * *

5 stores and what looked like 10 bags later, the girls walked to their car exhausted. "That was definitely worth it!" Rachel exclaimed, shutting the door on her side. "Totally!" chuckled Emily, doing the same.

"Hey Rach, why'd you made me buy that dress? I don't even have any plans on where it?" Emily asked as Rachel started the car. "You'll see, that dress will be useful one day and you'll thank me for it" stated Rachel, driving towards the main road.



hey everybodyyyy

sorry if it took me way too long to update, i celebrated new years with my family and school just started again. also, thank you for 1.2k reads! i didn't expect this book to get that much, didn't even expect this book would get reads at all.

anyways, i hope you guys like this!

thank you and happy new year!!

love lots <3

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