𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙞𝙭𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣

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The group screamed out both in excitement and scared. The ride suddenly jolts, earning another scream from Emily. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE! BEFORE I DIE, I JUST WANT TO SAY I LOVE YOU ALL AND THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!" she yelled out, making the rest of the group laugh. Slowing down, the ride finally comes to a stop and everyone gets off. "That was awesome!" Emily exclaimed, making the group give her questioning looks. "Really? I could have sworn you said you were gonna die" Dobby chuckled. "Well, yeah, but it was still awesome" Emily reasoned. "Hey! The sun is almost setting, I think this is the perfect time we go to the Ferris Wheel" Harvey suggested, sending Emily and Dobby a wink.

Full of excitement from their plan, Harvey started running towards the line for the Ferris wheel which was slowly getting longer. Not wasting any time, Dobby and Emily followed, giggling like high school girls. "They seriously need to tell us now what's going on" Max huffed out, looking at Rachel. "I know, I'm definitely gonna get it out of Emily later on" she added, as the two started walking towards the line. "Same for the person I call my twin brother, right now, I really wish reading each other's minds is real". Locating their friends, the two swerved their way around the ground and approached them. "Alright, who's going with who?" Rachel questioned, raising a brow.

But before anyone could answer her question, Dobby and Emily were already making their way inside one of the ferris wheel couches and Harvey was nowhere to be seen. "Looks like you're stuck with me" Max smirked, playfully nudging Rachel shoulder. "I've always been, that is, if Harvey isn't around" Rachel laughed, walking a step forward as the next couch gets into their level. The young man who was assisting the guests opened the small door and the two climb in.

Seating across from each other, Rachel and Max sat in comfortable silence as the couch starts to move upward.

"You know, it has been a long while since I've been in a Ferris wheel" Rachel spoke, eyes fixed on the sun setting on the distance. Max looked at the girl in awe, knowing very well how she loved the sunset. The memory of him finally asking the girl the question still very vivid in his memory.

"Okay, can you tell me where we're going now?" she grumbled, stomping her foot against the long grass of the small hill. "Trust me, you'll love it" Max reassured, smiling at how immature Rachel was acting.

"Here we are!" he exclaimed, raising his arms up, looking out in the distance. "What's here anywa—" she stopped mid-sentence, speechless of the sunset in the distance. "This is beautiful" she breathed out, clinging onto Max's torso. "A beautiful scene for a beautiful lady" he grinned, looking down at Rachel. She looked up, cheeks red either from the cold breeze or the complement. "You're so cheesy" she giggled. "Rach, can I ask you something?" He nervously asked, starting to get clammy.

"Hm?" she hummed in response, looking up to meet Max's eyes.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Max smiled at the memory, knowing well her answer made his smile so massive, his jaw started to hurt.

"What are you smiling about?" Rachel smirked. Blinking his eyes and shaking his head rapidly, he got out of the small trans Max was in and answered her question.


hello everybodyyyy!!!

okay so first of all, i just want to say that y'all stay safe and was your hand always. i hope all of you are doing well and are safe.

i sure do hope i can update sooner (but now i think i can since my school is shutting down soon) but still, i still have gcses to revise for :((

love lots <3

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