𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙞𝙫𝙚

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They gave their tickets to the lady and went inside. Rachel's mouth fell agape, staring at the many rides and booths the carnival contained. "Where should we go first?" Dobby asked, standing beside Rachel. "Let's go to the rollercoaster," Harvey said. "Let's save that for later, how about the bumper cars?" Max added. "You know what I say? The balloon popping station right there, I can see a giant purple teddy bear I'm starting to love" Emily suggested. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Dobby exclaimed, grabbing Emily by the hand and dragging her towards the stand. Harvey followed shortly, running with his arms up high. 

Rachel chuckled at how ecstatic her friends are and looked at Max. "You going?" she asked, walking forward. "Why wouldn't I?" Max chuckled, following Rachel. 

They arrived in time just to see Dobby pop another balloon. "2 more, young lad!" roared an older man, who Rachel suspected as the owner of the booth. "C'MON DOBBY! YOU CAN DO THIS!" Harvey yelled out loud. 


Dobby popped another balloon which was followed by a loud cheer of the crowd around us. "Where's Em?" Rachel asked. "She's there, right beside the table where the bear is sat" Max explained. Rachel stood on her tippy toes, and just like what Max said, she was there beside the bear. "Go Dobby!" Rachel cheered, clapping her hands. "Last one Dobby! You can do this!" Max added. 


Dobby popped another balloon, which meant, they have one the Giant Purple Teddy Bear. "Nice one young man," the stand owner said, unhooking the teddy bear and giving it to Dobby. He kindly accepted the bear and walked over to Emily, who moved towards the center of the crowd. "For you, young lady" Dobby spoke, giving Emily a cheeky grin and a wink. Emily squealed in excitement and accepted the bear. But that was after she lunged herself to Dobby and giving him a big hug. "Thank you!" she said.  

"These two will be dating at the end of the month, for sure" Rachel spoke. "Really? I was thinking next week" Max smirked. "I don't really want to bet on anything, let's just wait and see" Rachel smiled. "You still are your competitive self" Max mumbled more on to himself, but Rachel caught it. "I still am." 

"Where are we going next?" Harvey asked, approaching the two with Dobby and Emily behind him. "Are you guys up for bumper cars?" Rachel smirked. 

*     *     *

The group went on different rides and participated on different stands, for short, they were having fun. 

"That was awesome!" Rachel exclaimed, getting off the rollercoaster ride. "It would have been awesome if Emily here stopped slapping my arm every second" Dobby chuckled. "Well it wasn't my fault rollercoasters are not my thing" she huffed out. "Hey I'm just kidding, don't need to go all mad," Dobby said, swinging his arm and placing them on Emily's shoulder. "Fine" Emily spoke, trying to sound mad, but ending up smiling madly when Dobby stared at her. "I swear if these two don't start dating soon, I'll go mad" Rachel whispered to the twins, who were also listening to the Dobby and Emily's exchange. "I couldn't agree more" Harvey exhaled. "Same" Max added. 

"What are you three all looking at?" Dobby spoke, looking at Rachel, Max, and Harvey, who stared down at the two seriously. "We were just wondering when you guys are going to stop flirting and remember we're here" Harvey mumbled. "What?" Emily said. "We were just thinking of getting ice cream from that truck there, you guys coming?" Rachel asked, raising her eyebrows. Max, beside her, tried his best to fight the urge of laughing. "That's nice" Emily smiled. "Let's go then..." said Rachel, walking towards the truck. The rest followed. 

*     *     *

"I'm ready to go home, I think I ate too much ice cream" Emily mumbled, holding up her empty extra-large of ice cream. "Told you to go with the medium-sized one, but you never listen" Rachel spoke. "Yeah, yeah..." Emily trailed off, resting her head on Dobby's shoulder. "I'm booking us an Uber" Max said, opening his phone. 

*     *     * 

"Thank you, Sir" Harvey spoke to the driver before shutting the door shut. "What a day," Rachel said. "What a day indeed," Emily added, hugging her giant teddy bear tighter. 

"Well, we'll head inside now, I have a feeling Emily might collapse soon," Rachel chuckled. "Sure, sure, we'll see you guys tomorrow, good night," Max said. "Good night," she said. 

Rachel unlocked the house door and went inside, bringing Emily with her. 

The twins and Dobby went inside their houses, but not before bidding each other a good-bye and good night. 


chapter five is outttttttt! 

this chapter is actually a bit longer than the other, i think, lol 

i hope you guys like it! i'm gonna try my best to upload daily or every other day now. i hope i can do that actually :p 

love lots!

𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ➸ 𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 ✓Where stories live. Discover now