𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚

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"You know you suprised me." Harvey said. "What, how?" Max asked, shocked. "On how you casually asked them to come over for snacks." Harvey chuckled. "Well, one, I know mum would be happy if we asked her in and two, that's the least I can do for what I did years ago." Max sighed.

"Hey boys! So, how are the neighbors?" Sara asked. "Turns out, it was Rachel. She's back." Harvey said. "That's incredible!" She exclaimed. "Did you invite her for snacks later?" She asked. "Max did." Answered Harvey. "Alright, I'll start preparing, I missed that girl." She said, whispering the end entering the kitchen.


Rachel prepared herself for the minor event. Although it was just a snack time with the neighbors, this will be different because of the past. But just like what her bestfriend told her, she knew it'll be fine.

"Hey Em, you ready?" She asked her bestfriend, who was currently nearing the end of straightening her hair. "Hold on, I'm almost done." Replied Emily, running the hot straightening iron through her hair. "There, I'm finished, let's go." She added, unplugging the wire and standing up.

The two went down the staircase and out the door. Each step they took, Rachel's anxiety rose. Do they still know me? Do they know what happened between Max and I? Do they still like me?

Those questions went round and about in Rachel's head, she swore she shouldn't have agreed the whole snacks thing. "Rach, calm down." Emily said, rubbing her hands through Rachel's arm. "I'm calm now." Said Rachel.

They reached the boys' door and Emily took a step forward to ring the doorbell. Shortly after, the twins opened it and welcomed them with bright smiles. "Glad you didn't ditch us." Harvey smiled. "Who said I was going to ditch you guys?" Rachel said, laughing. "Your year 4 self, when you ditched us to go to 'math tutoring' when is reality you just went there to see your crush at that time." Harvey said, making finger gestures. "Can we stop talking about that and welcome us in, Mrs. Mills is at back waiting by the way." Said Rachel.

Surely enough, Sara was behind the boys, with hands on her hips. "Are you gonna invite the girls in or not?" She asked with a tone on her voice. "Oh yeah, yeah, come in." Max said, chuckling.

The two young ladies made their way inside. Sara embraced the two into hugs and giving them a big smile. She cupped Rachel's a face lightly and lifted her chin up slightly. "It's been 3 years Rach, and you're still the same beautiful young lady I know." She smiled. Rachel looked down and her cheeks flushed a bright crimson. "C'mon now, I made just enough for everyone."

Rachel entered herself more into the oh so familiar house, with Emily closely following. They arrived in the dining room, where they met two young children. "Rachel!" One exclaimed. Rachel quickly recognized her as Tilly, and gave her a tight hug. "I missed you!" She mumbled into the hug. "I missed you too, Tills." She replied. Tilly pulled away from her and looked at Emily. "Hello! I'm Tilly." Tilly happily said. "Hi Tilly! I'm Emily, nice to meet you." Replied Emily, accepting Tilly's small hand and shaking it. Tilly grabbed Rachel and Emily's hand and dragged them to the table. The three girls sat down and made themselves comfortable. "Hello Leo!" Greeted Rachel. "Hey Rach!" He replied.

The two girls sat comfortably on the chairs and began a conversation with Tilly and Leo. "I hope everyone's hungry, cause I think I made a whole feast." Sara chuckled. Walking in the dining room bringing trays of delicious looking scotch eggs, scones and custard tarts. "Oh, how I missed this." Rachel sighed. " That looks good Mrs. Mills!" Emily exclaimed. "Oh please, this is nothing." Sara spoke.

Everyone dug into the mini feast Sara made and having small talks here and there, but mostly everyone was focused on the food. Eventually, everyone finished and the two girls had to go back to their own house to finish unpacking.

"Thanks for snacks Mrs. Mills." said Emily. "It was really good." Beamed Rachel. "Don't worry dears, if you ever need more, just come on by." Sara chuckled. Rachel gave Sara a quick wave and another thank you before they turned around and walked towards their house. "Rachel! Wait!" Someone exclaimed from behind. The two turned around to see it was Max outside the door, calling for Rachel. Emily gave Rachel a smile and said "Go ahead, talk to him, I'll be in the house." Rachel returned the smile before walking back to the Mills' door where Max was waiting. "Hey—um—do you want to, maybe, come with us tomorrow? Like the carnival or something? Dobby will be there and so is Harvey and you can bring Emily too, if you like..." Max asked, scratching the back of his neck. "Sure, I'd love too. Just um, text me tomorrow if we're going, my number is still the same, that is if you still have it." Rachel spoke.

"Okay, cool, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow too."


here's chapter three guysss!!
sorry if this took way to long to upload, kind of ran out of time to write because of school.

i hope you guys like it!

love lotsss

𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ➸ 𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 ✓Where stories live. Discover now