𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙞𝙭

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"Hey, what plans do you have for today?" Emily asked, walking into Rachel's room. "Was planning on going to the mall after lunch, why?" Rachel answered. "Nothing really, do you need anyone to come with you?" Emily spoke. "It would be great to have some company, do you want to tag along?" Rachel suggested. "Well, actually, no. I just want to stay and cuddle with my teddy bear, if that's alright" Emily said, smiling. "Do you like him?" Rachel asked, smirking. "Okay wait, hold on. First, what is that smirk for? and second, who are you talking about?" Emily said, confused. "Oh c'mon! Both of us know who we're talking about" Rachel said. "I absolutely have no idea," said Emily,  shaking her head. "Dobby of course!" Rachel exclaimed. Emily blushed. "Oh, I see that blush! You totally like him!" Rachel said, holding onto her friend's shoulders. "No, I don't" denied Emily, who was trying her best to hide her smile. "Maybe not now, but later" Rachel smirked. "Shut up! I'm leaving" Emily said, standing up and leaving the room, but not before chucking a pillow to Rachel and laughing.

*     *     *

Rachel changed from her sweatpants and tank top into jeans and a hoodie. "Bye Em! See you later!" she yelled. Rachel opened the door that leads to their garage and searched for her mint green bike. Her face lit up when she saw it was still leaning against the wall, just like what she used to do after using it every day. She quickly dusted it off before giving it a test ride. She smiled when she saw it still worked perfectly.

*     *     *

Riding her bike going to the mall was one of Rachel's greatest ideas.  She got an opportunity to see how beautiful the town was, even three years later. She parked her bike in one of the bike parking areas the mall had and locked it in with the chain and locks she brought.

And into the mall, she went.

*     *     *

Rachel was looking through the cute sweaters the store had when somebody from behind yelled making her squeal. She turned around and saw a boy a bit taller than her smiling. Her eyes went wide when she realized who it was.

"Christopher!" she exclaimed, lunging towards the boy and giving him a hug.

"Woah there! Hi Rach" Chris said, hugging her back.

Rachel pulled away from the hug and looked at him. "I didn't know you were coming here in England," she said. "Well, I wasn't, but then dad had a holiday gift from his job and decided to bring the whole family along" Christopher smiled. "So that means..." Rachel trailed off. The boy in front of her seemed to read her mind and said: "Yes, I'm gonna be here for two whole months". Rachel squealed again in excited. "Emily will freak out! But before that, are you interested in tagging along?" "When would I deny going shopping with you?" Christopher laughed.

*     *     *

"So, where are you guys staying?"

The two friends had finished shopping, now bringing a bag each.

"We're staying in our old house, how about you guys?" Rachel said. "Dad rented a house, he thought it would be better than staying in different hotel rooms" Christopher spoke.  "Hey, did you take a lift or something in coming here?" He continued. "Rode my bike here," said Rachel. "Can I give you a lift? This is totally not an excuse to surprise the heck out of Emily" Christopher offered, playfully rolling his eyes and laughing. "Can your car fit a bike?" asked Rachel, with her eyebrows raised. "Well...it has that thing at the back where you can securely place the bike so I think your bike will be fine" Christopher explained.

"Well then, let's go" 


new character y'allllllll

so, i finally made a decision to post a new chapter once a week and i'm gonna try my best and follow my schedule.

don't forget to comment your thoughts and i'm open for any suggestions

love lots!

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