𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮-𝙛𝙞𝙫𝙚

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"Where are we exactly going?" Harvey asked as they took their seats in the train. "I thought I told you already, IKEA" Max snapped. "Woah—what has gotten you so mad?" asked Rachel.

"I wouldn't be if it wasn't for Harvey constant nagging"

"Sorry! It's just everything in the world suddenly began to intriguing and—"

"What are we getting?" Dobby interrupted before Harvey started a whole speech about what's going on around them. "We're getting more stuff for the house since we're living there now" answered Emily.

"You're kidding?!" Max exclaimed. "No, we're not. Sorry for not telling you guys sooner" Rachel chuckled, seeing the stunned faces of their friends.

"This is your opportunity" Harvey whispered. "What do you mean?" asked Max. Harvey ignored him, acting like he didn't say anything.

*     *     *

"What do you exactly need that corkboard for?" interrogated Rachel, seeing Emily put down the board in the basket Max volunteered to stir.

"Remember that huge board I got in my old room?"


"Well, seeing that board was full, I wanted to start a new one. You know, since I'm still kind of new to this place" Emily smiled. "Fine by me, as long as I'm in that board" Rachel fooled. "Oh, don't worry, I've got plenty of ridiculous pictures of you to put up" Emily chuckled.

*     *     *

Their shop went on for most of the afternoon. Although it took time, the group definitely had fun.

Now, they are back where they were this morning, on the train, going home. They were chatting about who knows what when their train started slowing down. Dobby took notice first and asked, "Why's the train slowing down?". Rachel looked up from her conversation with Max to look at her surroundings, and just like what Dobby said, the train was slowing down.

"Is this seriously happening right now?" one of the passengers called.

The train came into a full stop in one of the nearby stations. Everyone was forced to go out. 

"What do you think happened?" asked Rachel, stepping out into the cold air. "Must've broken down, I hope they get the replacement train soon" Emily followed.

The group stayed close together. Patiently waiting for another train to come by.

"Everyone alright?" Max asked, looking around for signs of a train coming by.

"We're fine..."

Emily and Dobby

"I'm good..."


He nodded, only to get slightly worried when Rachel did not answer at all. He looked to his side and sighed in relief upon seeing her silently standing there beside him. "Hey..." he called out, trying to get her attention.

It did, she looked up from watching her shoes to Max. "You alright?" he asked once again. "Yeah—yeah—sorry, I got lost...thinking" she answered, staring straight into the woods. Max looked out once more of an incoming train, only to get distracted when he felt something hit his shoulder.
He looked down once again, to see Rachel's head leaning against him and eyes slowly closing.


"Mhm..." she mumbled. Max swung his arm over her shoulder, pulling her closing to him. Using his hand, he gently laid Rachel's head on the base of his shoulder. "Get some sleep, I've got a feeling the train's not gonna come any soon" he mumbled against her hair, gently pecking her head.

Emily, Dobby and Harvey looked curiously at the two and looked back at each other, simply shrugging it off.


sorry if this took longer than usual :/
i got caught up with school work and didn't realise—

comment what you guys think about this chapter, it'll really help :))

stay safe everyone!

see you next chapter—

love lots <3

𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ➸ 𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 ✓Where stories live. Discover now