𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙚𝙣

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The boys were all gathered inside the twins' house, waiting for Rachel to arrive. The night before, Dobby decided to invite Christopher into the plan as well, since he knows Emily just as much as Rachel does. "Where is she?" Christopher wondered. "If you know Rachel, she probably overslept or something" Max chuckled. "True that," said Harvey in between giggles.

The door swung open revealing a very flustered looking Rachel. "Sorry I took so long, overslept and Emily kept bugging me on where I'm going" she explained. "Told you..." Max whispered, with a smile. "Alright, let's go, I have a feeling the mall is quite packed" Dobby stated.

*     *     *

Just like what Dobby predicted, the mall was packed. "How is it this packed, there's no holiday coming up, right?" asked Harvey. "I'm sure there's no holiday, probably because of the huge sale going on in some stores" Rachel shrugged.

Harvey looked up and mentally slapped himself for not seeing the huge red banner that said 'SALE'. "I think it would be best for us to split up, all 5 of us in one store will not only make chaos but more packed than it already is" Christopher suggested. "I'll volunteer in getting the balloons" Rachel volunteered, raising her hand up. "Great, Max, you can go with her since you were the one who suggested the balloons," said Harvey, with a smirk. "But I—" "Nope, no buts, c'mon let's go" Harvey cut him off, turning around to go buy the supplies, followed by a chuckling Dobby and Christopher. "Sometimes, I wish I was the first one out of the womb" Max huffed out, walking with Rachel to Party Pieces. "It can't be that bad, you're still one of the eldest siblings" Rachel smiled, nudging Max.

* * *

"So, these balloons, what type are we exactly getting?" Max asked, staring at the tall wall where each shelve has balloons displayed. "I was thinking maybe purple and white round balloons since those are Em's favorite colors," said Rachel. "Great idea" complimented Max.

"Wait, did Dob—" she stopped mid-sentence and began laughing. Max was there, with his ears very pink, trying his best to blow up a balloon. "What's so funny? Can't you see I'm struggling?" said Max, failing miserably at trying not to laugh. Rachel stopped, and looked at Max, only to laugh again. "You know Rach, I really need you to stop laughing right now because If you don't, you'll run out air and I really don't want to see you die in front of me" stated Max. "Alright—Alright" Rachel spoke in between heavy breaths. "You should have seen your face, you looked like a baboon," Rachel said, chuckling. "At least I'm a beautiful baboon" smiled Max.

"Do you actually not know how to blow a balloon?"

"I don't know, but I do remember you teaching me back when we were like 7"

"Yeah, you were the only one who didn't know how to blow one"

"And the three of you made fun of me for it"

"But hey, you learned, temporarily"

"What does that mean?"

"By temporarily, I mean, you forgot how to blow one and now I have to tell the boys about this again"

"Oh no, you're not"

"Yes, I am, and before that, let's go and pay for these balloons" Max chuckled. "Yeah, you're right" added Rachel. "Why are you bringing a blue one?" asked Max. "How about you? Why are you bringing a teal one?" added Rachel. "Looks like we had the same idea of getting ourselves our own balloon" chuckled Max.

The two paid for the balloons they bought, along with balloon strings and a small tank of helium. They went back to the meet-up place the five of them planned. "They're not here yet, are you hungry? Cause I know I am" asked, Rachel. "I could have some KFC" Max answered. "KFC it is," Rachel said, dragging Max by the arm and bringing him towards the restaurant. "I'll order for us, find us a seat". Rachel nodded. She walked further into the restaurant and found a 4 seater booth, just enough for them to sit and place their items on.

Max arrived, bringing a tray of food. "Hope I got your order right" Max spoke, placing down the tray. Rachel observed the tray for a while and smiled. "I take that as a yes" Max added, taking his seat.

"So, did anything interesting happen there in Germany?" started Max. "Other than meeting Emily and Christopher, nothing" Rachel shrugged. "What is that supposed to mean?" Max chuckled. "Well, because of Emily and Christopher, life there would be boring. Mom and dad would always be at work, then I'll go to school, come home, they're still at work, and again until I met those two weirdos who showed me around the country" she explained.

"How about you? The singing and all that"

"Harvey and I decided to have a short break from singing, the last tour was wicked though"

"That's cool, that's cool"

"Next topic, any boys?" Max asked, wiggling his eyebrows. 


hey everyone!!! 

merry christmas! 

so, this chapter is actually quite long, i know and that's about it, lol. i'm actually thinking of posting the next chapter early, idk, depends on how much time i have. 

love lots! <3 

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