Chapter Three: Alicia's POV

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Friday: Day 3

"A true adventurer goes forth aimless and uncalculating to meet and greet unknown fate."


I yawned. Getting up in the morning was the hardest thing to do! Well, only when school is the reason to get up.

Tossing the blankets off from me and shivering from the rush of cold air, I finally get up. Only having ten minutes to get ready and having a grouchy brother boss you around sucks and does not make you dress quicker!

I swear, my brother Josh was the biggest bum in the world. Or at least to me he was. I liked to take my time but no, he always has to have it his way.

"Are you ready yet!" Josh questioned me with aggravation in his tone of voice.

"I'll be ready when you stop nagging me like you're my mother!" I snarled.

That oughta of pissed him off.

I put my hair in a bun since I hadn't taken a shower the night before. Such a bothersome problem but if I was bald I think I would cry my eyes out. Like literally they would roll out of my head.

I laughed, "kind of like a zombie, wait.. do they have eyes?"

"Why the hell are you talking to yourself," Josh annoyingly asked.

"Don't question my authority," I replied.

"What?" He said, confused.

"Exactly," I responded.

I walked out of the bathroom with a cutip in my ear and my phone in my hand.

"Hey, hurry up, I don't want to make Abby wait too long for me at school," I say to Josh as I put a water in my bag

"Shut up," he answered.

I laughed and got a treat for my puppy, Holly. We had to put her in a cage every morning because she couldn't stay out alone.

I gave her half of the treat before putting her in the cage and then the other half when she was in there.

After that Josh came down the hall and grabbed a water out of the fridge. As he did that, I headed out and got in his silver eclipse.

He came out about a minute after and then we headed off to school.

We lived in a trailer park called Holiday Acres. It had the worst speed bumps ever, like they were ginormous.

It's almost like people were expecting huge ass hulk cars to come crossing through the park, like really? It was especially annoying since Josh's car was always so low, it scraped the bottom of it a lot of the times. Well I guess it wasn't as annoying to me as it was to him.

It feels like forever to get out of the park since we live near the very top of it.

As we drive down the last road of the park and stop at the stop sign we notice that up ahead is a bunch of police cars parked in a line like they were blocking the road, so instead of going that way, we took a left towards where all the traffic usually is.

"I wonder why they are blocking that road off," I say, watching the cop cars until I can't see them anymore.

"I hope they have a damn good reason. I hate going this way, we always have to stop at the lights and then there are so many more stupid people to get in my way," Josh complained.

I grunted, "whatever."

Getting to school was always the worst part of my day, it was like a building of hell. Today was the day that I had to stand in front of the health class and recite my memorized pokemon song.

I've repeated it over and over in my head so many times it's not even funny.

I walk into the main entrance with the song playing in my head, "I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was! To catch them is my real test, to train them is my cauuuse!"

"Hey!" I yell out as I see Abby and a couple other people.

We always gathered at a specific table in the morning. There was Jessi, Lexi, Eric, oh and Mackenzie, and some other people.

Abby absolutely hated Jessi and Lexi. I think she'd probably shoot them in the head if she had the chance. To her their laughs were the most obnoxious and annoying things that could possibly exist! And then don't forget about how loud they were.

But I liked them, Jessi could draw real good. I wished I could be as good as her. Lexi was good to, just not as good as Jessi! There was Mackenzie as well, she was an odd one. I think Abby didn't mind her but it's not like they are best friends.

The music went off and everyone started gathering towards the hallway that lead to almost every class. Mackenzie and I had first block together so we separated from Abby and went up the first flight of stairs.

"Ugh, I swear, I've walked up these stairs so many times but it never gets any easier!!" I groan.

Our first block was Biology with Mr. Tiel. He was alright, he was color blind which made him kind of different I guess.

As we sat down on the stools that made your butt feel like it was sitting on spikes Mr. Tiel started explaining some stuff about taking care of and feeding the fish that he brought in.

I dozed off in my own world and started drawing a picture of some random anime girl.

Class was over faster than I imagined and soon I was heading to second block, math. Then I remember I didn't do my homework.

"Shit," I mumble as I turn the corner and enter the classroom.

"Are you our sub?" Jeremy asks a lady sitting at the desk in the right back corner of the room.

"Yes, I am," she replies.

Safe! The subs never collect the homework.

I sigh with relief as my math buddy, Jasmine walks into the classroom.

"Hey," I say as she smiles at me.

"Hi," she replies.

"What's up," I ask.

I don't really care but it's making conversation, I mean who really cares when they ask someone 'what's up?'

Not many people.

"Nothing muc--" Jasmine began to say but the intercom interrupted her.

"We are under lock down, I repeat we are going into lock down! Once again I repeat, we are going into lock down!" An older lady's voice says over the intercom.

"Lock down?" Hunter questions.

"Must be a practice drill," Alyssa comments.

"Everyone gather in the corner to your left in the front," the sub says as she locks the door and shuts the lights off.

Jasmine and are the furthest ones in the back. Squished and hugging our legs trying to make more space.

Everyone is whispering and laughing. They are so stupid it's not even funny.

The door is smashed by something and everyone goes completely silent.

Again, something smashes into the door, this time breaking part of the window.

How stupid is the school to have doors like this? I mean don't they know if it has a brain it can get through the damn window part. Jeez.

Groans come from outside the classroom, a human?

The girl next to me is shaking, I think her name was Lindsey. I ignore it and watch the door in anticipation.

Just waiting to see what comes through.

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