Chapter Nine: Alicia's POV

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Saturday Day 4

 "If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards."

                              -Paul Bryant

Abby was okay and that's all that mattered at the time. Losing another person doesn't just lower our survival rate but our ambition to live. Having no ambition just means certain death.

"I guess all we can do now is eat, sleep, and stay protected inside the house," I said to Karlee as she watched her sister sleep.

"Yeah," she replied.

It was quiet in the house, Abby's parents were upstairs, that Devon dude was in the shower, and Karlee and I sat in Abby's room while she slept again after waking up for a little while after her fall.

The day was almost coming to an end.

"We should head to bed," I say to Karlee.

"I'm not tired," she responded.


"Well it doesn't matter if you are tired or not. It's almost nine o'clock. We can't be staying up so late when we don't even know what will happen tomorrow, I said sternly while climbing under the blankets on the floor.

"Fine," she replied, hesitant about going to bed.

We couldn't be careless about anything anymore.

What a drag.

~ * ~

Sunday Day 5


Morning came too fast and it felt like I had gotten no sleep.

My stomach grumbled.

"Damn it," I said quietly.

"I'm hungry too," Karlee whined.

With everything going on none of us have really eaten much over the past few days.

"Alright let's go make a big breakfast," I responded to her.

"Yes!" She shouted excitedly.

"Shush, people are sleeping," I said to her as we got up and headed towards the stairs.

"Oh right, sorry," she answered.

There was quite a bit of stuff we could make but we decided on just macaroni. I personally think it's the best breakfast.

Karlee got everything out as I heated up the water and threw the noodles in the pot.

"Is it almost ready?" Abby came up the stairs and asked.

"Almost," I replied, "how's your face feel?"

It wasn't bad but she had some scrapes and scabs on her face from the tripping yesterday.

"Okay, I guess. Ugh, I'm starving," she answered as she sat down on the kitchen floor.

In Abby's kitchen there was no table because of their guinea pig cage. So unless we ate in her room we were usually sitting on the floor eating.

"I'm hungry too," Karlee said as she sat on the floor against the fridge.

"That's not the same, Karlee, you're always hungry," Abby replied.

I poured the cheese mix and some milk into the pot and stirred it around until it was all mixed in.

It looked so good.

"Okay, it's ready. We should probably wake the others up," I said as I started getting out bowls from one of the cabinets.

"I'll get Devon," Abby said as she got up, "Karlee, go get Mum and Dad."

"Fine," Karlee said with a sigh.

Then they were both gone. It was already noon and it was completely silent outside. I looked out the window to the backyard, there were no moving bodies at least.

"Oh wow, now this is a gourmet breakfast," Abby's Dad said as he walked into the kitchen sluggishly.

"I know right," Karlee replied.

As soon as everyone poured into the kitchen, I started handing out the bowls. I had made three boxes of the macaroni so we would have enough for all of us.

I sat down on the floor against a cabinet and picked at my food, eating it noodle by noodle.

Abby's Dad was cracking jokes and everyone was laughing, it was almost like a sleep over party. A happy moment.

But you know, happy moments never last.

The silence turned into screeches.

Happy turned to blood.

The window in the kitchen was splattered with it. Guts, blood, brains, you name it and it was on there.

Karlee dropped her bowl and it broke. Everyone was silent.

Devon slowly got up, peeking out the window.

"Holy.. oh god.." he said as he quickly turned away.

Their was a banging against the door to the backyard and a man's voice coming after it, " help me! help me, please!"

None of us moved, we couldn't. We were scared.

"Sh-shouldn't we help him?" Karlee questioned quietly.

"N-no.. you stay away from that door, Karlee," Her mother told her.

Karlee nodded her head and sunk into her Dad's arms.

The screaming didn't stop, "I know you're in there! Please! I'm going to die! Help me! Don't you have a soul!!! D-damn it, please, please, please," the voice faded of and we heard the sound of bones crunching, jaws cracking as their teeth sunk into the man we didn't save.

Karlee was crying by now, her mother's eyes were watering, Devon had a disgusted look on his face, Abby was staring at the floor, and I was using every bit of strength I had to hold back the tears from falling for that man.

It was going to be okay.

We would make it out alive.

He was just unfortunate.

It was going to be okay..

I had to make myself believe it, or else, I'd die just like him.

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